Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Have you ever seen such a hairy fellow? Monkey Moth larvae

I have one in a fish tank and am waiting for it to develop so I can take pictures of it.


  1. I've seem some hairy cats, but nothing in the same league with yours. Wow!

  2. I guess this is what I'll be seeing in my bathroom mirror each morning in a couple of years!


    Go to my website Joan you will find that is a hair ball from my Mane Coon back in Wales.
    But what a nice find. look forward to more comments & photos on you fish tank specimen.

  4. Of course I cannot classify this insect:but it is beautiful.
    Nature is great!

  5. I've never seen a caterpillar as hairy as that one! Nice find and great pictures, made me smile. :)

  6. It's not only hairy, but it has those long, wild, gray or white hairs... like my eyebrows are starting to do.

    I read your scolding from the previous comments. (grin) Thanks for being a friend, Joan. You have made me feel right at home, here. (hug)

  7. I've never seen such a hairy lad, Joan. I trust you are on your tour with Gaelyn this evening. I see she has arrived in South Africa. Enjoy your travels with her.

  8. LMAO... it looks like an old man's eyebrow! That was my first impression anyway.

    He's such a cutie Joan! Great photos, as always! :o) Hope you're having an awesome day!

  9. Joan: So fun to see this hairy little guy. He would have to pay extra for a haircut.

  10. I do believe it must be about my age as I see lots of gray hairs. :)

  11. I wonder if all that hair means 'don't eat me as I will stick to the roof of your mouth..'...I am still watching my kitchen spider has been cold so I check my coffee cup before I fill it in the morning... Have fun you and Gaelyn... Michelle

  12. Wow, that's a strange looking caterpiller. It almost makes you want to comb out those hairs. LOL
    Cool Joan.

  13. Its the first time I see this one as well. Amazing. Can't wait till it turnes into a moth.

  14. Hairy is the word, hehe!! So cool, can't wait to see what it turns into :)

  15. incredible critter. I love how hairy it is, a bit whimsical looking.

  16. Looks like my cat! Very fuzzy indeed. Hope you learn more about them by raising one.

  17. Wow! Extremely hairy guy! How cool!

  18. Cool little caterpillar. Looks like my chin.

  19. LOL!! We have quite a few like this here Marvin but this is definitely the hairiest of them all. :)

  20. What cute cats Tony. Yes, it could well be from one or all of them. :)

  21. A most interesting critter Andrea until you get some of the hairs on your hand then it is ouch!! :)

  22. Thanks Diane. This one was crawling up the pathway going somewhere at a hang of a speed until I stopped him. :) He looked quite funny and I had to smile at the sight.

  23. You sure dont want eyebrows like this Craver, the hairs burn you when you touch them. :)

    I love having you as part of my "gang" Craver and am so pleased you joined me. Your comments are always great and make me smile. :)

  24. Hi Jo. I have heard a lot about you from Gaelyn and am sorry we missed you but John did tell us the reason. That is a great son you have and their children are wonderful. We had a great time and she enjoyed the hike up the mountain.

  25. LOL!! You are not wrong about that Krista. Some older men do have ones as bushy as this. :)

  26. LOL!! I do not want to cut this fellow hair Tom. :)

  27. No TB, you are definitely MUCH younger. :)

  28. It sure does Michelle. I managed to get some hairs on my hand and it was a devil to get them out and stung for a week so I do not want to be the bird trying to eat them. :)

    I think your spider is just waiting for summer so it cam spin the cup closed and lay her eggs in it. What a convenient place it would be for her. :)

  29. Sure is Becky but it is NOT going to get my hairbrush to do it with. :)

  30. Because of my trip I had to let it go Jonker but I will do it with the next one I find.

  31. LOL!! Looks like my hair when I wake up in the mornings Leeloo. :)

  32. Sure is Tammie. I would hate to be so hairy. :)

  33. I dont think your cats will like being compared to one of these Mary. :)

  34. An interesting looking critter alright Sandy. :)

  35. Aren't you pleased you dont look like this Jose? :)

  36. Thanks Mike. I hope your chin is not as prickely. :)
