Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nan Hau Temple

This beautiful Buddhist Temple opened not far from where I live. Every year, they have a Peace and Light Festival here.
If work, kids, your other-half or just everyday living are stressing you out, I recommend you going to one of these temples for a weekend retreat. The retreats are non-denominational so is suitable for everyone, no matter what your religion.
No experience is required to join the introductory retreat. Meditation can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, and who is in good health mentally and physically.
You will learn correct sitting postures, Tai Chi, do simple yoga, (specifically designed to aid sitting meditation) and of course meditate. Included is instruction in Walking and Sitting Meditation, (breath counting Meditation) as well as Tea Drinking Meditation.
Something to think about:

‘To hold on to the safety of a household life is easy, to renounce it is not!
To renounce is easy, to live in transcendence is not!
To live in transcendence is easy, but to truly understand the ways of the world is not!’

‘A true cultivator finds joy within the richness of his or her own heart and the wisdom of his or her own mind. When we do not look outward to experience happiness, we have indeed found the limited joy of the Dharma.’


  1. I loved my traditional yoga and meditation classes for those reasons. I wonder if there is yoga for the physically challenged..hmmm

  2. Oh my, a weekend retreat sounds like just the thing for me! I would love to go & it looks very beautiful, too!

  3. I'd be too busy taking photos to meditate :-) Looks like an interesting place.

  4. What a beautiful Temple. I might have a problem meditating. I'd be thinking about where I could go next to take more pictures. How bad is that?

  5. Thanks Tom. It is a very peaceful place to visit. Just sitting in the gardens does ones soul good.

  6. There are all kinds of yoga Michelle. :) Maybe something not so challenging will do? :)

  7. Hello Tricia. Thanks for visiting and commenting. I think we could all do with a weekend break like this a few times per year. It does wonders. :)

  8. It is Mary. Our pace of life is so fast and we do need to take time off sometimes even if we have to put other things off to do it. As they say 'a break is as good as a holiday'.

  9. LOL!! You sound like me Becky. My mind is not still for a minute so I think meditating is a thing you have to learn to do. I know it would not be easy for me.

  10. Hi Joan, Thanks so much for your response to my comment & thanks for visiting my blog as well!

    You asked where to find the songs on my playlist - go to & you'll have to register for an account, then type in whatever song you're looking for & voila, there it is. There's so many songs I wanted that I had to make more than one playlist, but I only have 2 of them on my blog! LoL!

  11. Thanks you so much for this information Tricia. I always love the oldies and cannot find most of the stuff I look for on CD's. I also don't like to go to any site which has not been recommended as it is a great way to pick up viruses on the PC. They don't make music like that anymore. :)

  12. What a wonderful place to retreat. I could use a good meditation right Now. Maybe tomorrow.

  13. And you have such a beautiful tree to do it under too Gaelyn. That garden is going to look fantastic and I cannot wait to see the pictures of it when it is complete.

  14. What an interesting spot. And you don't have to go overseas to see it.

  15. It is a lovely place to spend a day Jonker and not even an hours drive away.

  16. Like all Buddhist Temples, it's beautiful!

  17. It has the most wonderful atmosphere. It exudes peace and harmony besides beauty.
