Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Art of disguise - Part 4

Many times it is a slight movement which gives away their position and as you can see, this dragonfly is barely noticable on this rock.


  1. I am always speechless when I see these insects...
    And your shots are really perfect.

  2. Thank you Andrea, it is very kind of you to say so. Finding these things is always a pleasure.

  3. Wow, that dragonfly is a master of disguise! You must be super-observant to have noticed it. Nice macro shots.

  4. It sure is Diane. When you go in search of these insects long enough, your eye becomes adjusted to picking them up so it is fairly easy to spot these critters which try to hide away like this. Mostly I look for movement as they cannot stay still for very long.

  5. I always love your art of disguise posts! This one is magnificent. At first I thought you were tricking us and just posting pictures of a rock. ;o)

  6. That is a great photo. the dragons are not so easy to take photos.

  7. Very nice Joan, I see many of those hidden bugs all the time. Some would say I see a lot of things that aren't there but I say just because you don't see them don't mean they aren't there, right?

    I am super pumped watching the new Discovery series called Life! I have sent them some photo's and can hardly wait to hear from them.

    Hope all is well over there in the cradle, see you again soon.


  8. He looks like he has eyes on the back of his head... You must be a ninja photographer to be able to sneak up on him like that. Nice!

  9. Wow, you really have to pay attention. Super catch Joan.
    I hope we have more dragonflies this summer. Last year was the pits!
    Keep those awesome shots coming.

  10. LOL!! I have tricked people like that before Krista but it is just a once-in-a-while thing. :) These critter are so good at hiding away.

  11. You are so right Craig. I mean it is not YOUR fault if they don't. LOL!!

    Oh it must be exciting to be waiting to hear if your pictures are aceptable. I hope you included some sexy bibini girls as that would certainly add a sparkle to your series. LOL!!

  12. You are welcome Becky. Maybe this year you will not have so much rain and will be able to find more critters.

  13. Really, it's almost impossible to note it unless it moves!

    And oh yes, Joan, reaching your this blog is a challenge. Through your blogger profile, I could reach your old blog. I found a link to the new blog there on the sidebar.



  14. Hello Bhavesh. I am so sorry you had a problem. I will check it out and see if I can find what caused it.

  15. LOL!! I would like to think I have some ninja blood in me Mike as it comes in useful with these critters. One has to be very, very sneaky.

  16. Wow! Mimetism at its best. Great find!

  17. It looks like a fossil. Just wanted to ask if you would go back and take it out to send to me to add to my collection. LOL

  18. Plus bugs don't hold still very long to pose for pics.
    You do get them though.
    I need to post you taking the pics. ;-) Soon.

  19. LOL Joan you crack me up. You're so mischievous, I love it!

  20. LOL!! If I come across any fossils I will be sure to collect them and send them to you Jonker.

  21. LOL!! I am dreading that post Gaelyn, but I know you are going to post the picture sometime so I am bracing myself for it. :)

  22. LOL!! I love teasing people Krista, it is such fun. :)

  23. Wow..you're not kidding.... Joan..Joan. I saw a bee today. The bugs are getting going!!! Of course the mosquitoes are out early, but I am getting in the mood for summer.... Michelle

  24. It sure does not take long for the mosquitoes to be up and about their work does it? LOL!! I am looking forward to seeing your bugs again Michelle.

  25. Very well hidden! YOu have a real eye for spotting stuff like this.

  26. Thanks Mary. Another interesting one for me.

  27. Joan wow, she is really hiding. I hate to tell you but I think we have similar here, they just seem much fatter, lol. Anna :)

  28. Many of these species are international Anna and can be found over a very wide spread area so it will not surprise me to find you have them as well.
