Thursday, July 3, 2008

Morning walk 22-06-08 Part 1

It was a lovely day outside and I suppose it had to be as it started with the call of the owl outside my window at 3am. It was cool and so I fed the birds and sat watching them until about 9:15 before heading out.

The dew was still on the grass and this young aloe.
Last time I never got down to the river as I was distracted by the butterflies, but today, I was going to get there come what may. It is so peaceful down there and I sat down on a rock to take pictures of the reflections in the water.
During my previous walk I had heard what sounded like a small waterfall. There is no proper path as most of this area is unexplored by others. In order to get there I had to make my way through thickish bush and at one stage had no choice but to tramp on the tree overhanging the river in order to get past.
The closed flowers of the aloes which I took last week have now opened.
This is my favorite spot. I come here and lay on the grass and look up at the sky and it is as if there is no one else left in the world except me. The birds are chirping, and the butterflies flutter past. I hear some horses in the distance. I usually bring something to drink and an old blanket, but today I also included a banana and an apple as I did not eat yesterday. Here, my mind grows peaceful. I don’t think of the should or should not’s, the whys and the wherefores, I just exist at one with nature and let tomorrow take care of itself. It is a place where no words are needed and the silence surrounds you like a warm cloak.

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