Friday, July 2, 2010

Art of disguise - Part 8

This tiny Katydid blends in so well even though he is a different color to the flower.

He is on the left of the flower and you can just see his antennae over the petal.


  1. Amazing, I would never have noticed him without your help:) Diane

  2. Great capture! He select a very beautiful place for hiding.

  3. Were he go :) ?? would of never noticed it myself just shows you how observant you are :)

  4. I would never have noticed him if he did not move Diane. :)

  5. Thanks Birdy. This is the flower of a granadilla plant and as you say, very pretty indeed.

  6. Thanks Philip. A case of practice makes perfect and I have had LOTS of practice. :)

    What you going to do this cold weekend? I think I will stay indoors even though it is not as cold here as it is by you. :)

  7. It's invisible unless you're looking for it. Beautiful flower too. :)

  8. Thanks Diane. There movement always gives them away. :)

  9. I was totally looking at the wrong thing until the last pic. You've done it again.

  10. Ha, Ha, I still didn't spot it till your last picture. You have an amazing eye to pick it out in the first place. Like the flower too. Pretty color.

  11. Joan: It certainly did blend into the flower.

  12. Ciao carissima Joan, I'm amazed, I had not realized that on the flower was the bug

  13. Oh there's the little feller!

  14. LOL!! The flower is about 3 inches in diameter Gaelyn so you can see how small the katydid is, almost impossible to see at best.

  15. Thanks Becky. It is so easy to miss these critters sometimes.

  16. You are right Tom even though it is a completely different color.

  17. Hello Sciarada. These insects can hide so well on the flowers and trees that one can walk right passed it without seeing it. :)

  18. LOL!! Almost missed it did you Steve? :)

  19. Very tricky hiding your claymations in the flower!

    They don't call you the bug lady for nuthin'!!!

    Craig Glenn

  20. Joan I think you would enjoy the pictures at
    It is in English and French and Carine also lived in SA for sometime. Diane

  21. No I wouldn't have seen it either. We are just starting to get some night time insects singing and I really enjoy that..Michelle

  22. I have to be tricky Craig so the others dont find out about them. LOL!!

  23. Thanks Diane. I checked out her blog and she has some lovely posts on it too.

  24. I love the night time sounds of these insects too Michelle. That frog you had on your blog can sing me to sleep any night. I wish I had a creek running past here for them.

  25. Goodness...I had trouble finding it. I wonder how often I look right past some of these things.

  26. Me too Mary. As good as I am in finding some of these, I am sure I pass many which I do not.

  27. Don't know about the bug, but stunning flower though

  28. Thanks Jonker but the bug is cute too. :)

  29. Holy moly they are good at that!!! :o)

  30. It's almost like they were designed that way or something! ;o)

  31. I wonder why the human race was not designed to fit in with nature? Maybe we were meant to stick out and be more visible so we could not be good predators? :)

  32. That is a really fascinating question! Maybe we weren't *supposed* to last this long. that would sure explain alot of things. ;o)

    I have a saying that sort of fits here that I remind myself of when I feel a bit like I stick out from the crowd like a sore thumb... "there is no point trying to fit in when you are just meant to stand out!" ;o)

  33. Well some people believe that the human race does not have many more years on this earth and if you look how we are destroying everything, I would not be surprised. When I hear thing like that, I am always pleased that I am old and will not be around to see what our world looks like in 100 years from now. Global warming will not destroy us, people will.

    LOL!! Love your saying Krista!! For many reasons I always stick out like a sore thumb but you know what, I have learnt to live with it and dont care!! LOL!! I LIKE who and what I am so it does not matter if others agree or not. :)

  34. I couldn't agree more, Joan! I like who you are too. ;o)

  35. Wow! I wouldn't have noticed this friend! :-)

  36. Most of the time they give themselves away by movement and that is what I usually look for when I am out taking pics.
