Monday, November 10, 2008


It is a cold, misty, rain day today after all the rain we had yesterday. Time to stay indoors, curl up at a fire and read a book or build a jigsaw puzzle. If I did not know better, I would say it is going on winter, not summer.
It is a reflective time, one when your thoughts go to things which have happened in the past and you wonder at the path your life has taken. A mere chance happening can cause it to change considerably. A choice to take one road or decision and not another.
You wonder if you had made a different choice, where you would be now. They were all turning points in your life and sometimes caused it to change in a 180 degree direction.
You contemplate that given the same choices, would you still make the same decisions. Looking back, I know I would have and would still be where I am today. I think our path in life is chosen for us and no matter what we decide, we will still end up where we were supposed to be.

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