Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dwarf Chameleon

This one is in the process of molting.

A chameleon, with its compressed body covered in small granular scales, is the most easily recognized species of lizard. Its protruding eyes, which can move independently, are especially characteristic. It has a telescopic tongue that can be shot further than its body length to capture prey.A chameleon can change its body color, usually in response to its mood. They vary in size - from 2.5 cm to up to 50 cm in length. South African dwarf chameleons rarely exceed 10cm (4 inches) in length.
Most chameleons live primarily in trees, bushes and on other plants, but at least one South African species is terrestrial. Fifteen species occur in South Africa. A few newly discovered species await description.
Chameleons are only active by day. They primarily eat insects.
There are fifteen recognized species of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion) in South Africa, of which five are endemic to the Cape Fold Mountains. In addition, there appear also to be several other un-described species present in these mountains. Unfortunately, the geographic distribution of many of these species remains largely unknown, and their taxonomy, distribution, and diversity is poorly understood.

This one kept on wanting to climb onto my camera. LOL!!

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