Saturday, March 21, 2009

The mother of all storms

If you think the storm I showed you a while back was bad, "you aint seen nuthing yet". :) A couple of weeks ago we had a cloud burst which lasted for 5 hours!! In order to go to the bathroom, I have to go up these stairs and by the time I got to the top, my clothes were wet above my knees.
On the corner, there is a beautiful house with a small hill behind it.
There USED to be a 10 feet high wall across here where I put in the red box to show you.
This burst with the weight of the water........
...and carried the bricks three blocks down the road.

Some blocks of about 12-14 bricks lay 50 yards away.
A look down the street. Needless to say the house at the end was badly flooded and the cars had to zig zag through this mess. My cottage is to the left of this car but fortunately on higher ground so just a little water went into my garage.
In all my life I have never seen something like this and the water continued to run down for the next 4 days.

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