Tuesday, April 14, 2009

White-banded Clear-wing moth (Chamanthedon) Sesiidae

This is a quote from my Field Guide to Insects of South Africa which I use for almost everything, except in this case where I have to ask Ted's help. He is a star!! :)

"Clear-wing moths - Family Sesiidae : Easily distinguished as their wings lack scales and are transparent with a black, brown yellow or orange border.
Body often banded and legs may be heavily cloaked in hairs. Fan of long hairs at the end of the often-slender abdomen.
Excellent mimics of wasps and bees, day-flying but rarely encounted as they are never common and have a very rapid flight.
Larvae are borers of trees and shrubs and, in temperote regions, may attain pest proportions in orchards.

Probably far more than the 90 known species in the region."

This book is the only one on insects available and the authors are Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths and Alan Weaving. My thanks to them on an excellent publication.

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