Sunday, April 12, 2009

Montecasino - Bird Show - Part 3

The Gymnogene (now renamed African Harrier-hawk) is found in most areas of SA. They are fairl large in size and easily distinguished by their pink beak and yellow legs. They are usually solitary and hunt by raiding nests of other birds such as weavers and swallows. In courtship flight, the male rolls over and touches the talons of the female.
Great White Pelicans breed in Africa, and in Europe and Asia from Greece to Vietman. The world's population is thought to total about 90 000 pairs, of which about 80% are in Africa.
Their diet consists of fish and some crustaceans. I love the way I managed to catch this one skimming along prior to landing in the water.
Great White Pelicans are gregarious birds and large flocks often fish together encircling and trapping shoals of fish in shallow water where all the birds are easily able to scoop up fish in the skin pouch below the bill. They are excellent swimmers and also good fliers.
White Pelicans usually nest in colonies situated on an island, or remote parts of a large pan. The nest is a stick structure placed on the ground.
A single, strange colored Peacock was sitting above the building watching the show too.
The Spotted Dikkop has large eyes as he is a nocturnal bird and is very vocal, especially after rain. They eat grass seed, insects, crustaceans and frogs.
Crested Guineafowl prefer matted thickets at the edge of grasslands. They are found in flocks of up to 30 birds and will follow troops of monkeys to feed on fallen fruit.

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