Sunday, April 26, 2009

Montecasino - Bird Show - Part 5 Final

This is the last of the photographs from the Bird show. It was great to see it and I hope you enjoyed seeing the photographs too.

Jackal Buzzard - They nest between May and October in by building a bulky pile of sticks on a cliff ledge or sometimes in trees especially pines. The bowl is lined with leaves and usually two eggs are laid which are chalky white splotched with red-brown.

They hunt by stooping from flight or gliding from a perch, taking small mammals up to the size of a dassie(hyrax), birds up to the size of a francolin, reptiles, insects, road-kills and carrion.

After the show I went to a small extremely dark room in which they keep frogs and tarantulas. You are not allowed to take photographs there but I sneaked in a few. Most of them came out very dark as I did not want to use a flash, so excuse the bad pictures. All of those below are not from SA but from South America. They were all in glass cages so there is a lot of reflection off that too.
This is a Tomato Frog and you can see where it got its name.
This frogs skin is highly poisonous
The secretion from these frogs skin is used on the tip of poison arrows.

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