Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today I am going to do something different again. I would like to hear everyone’s opinion on this please.

Why is it that if a person is alone, the older you get, the more reclusive you become?
This is a recent discussion I had with someone and I came to the conclusion that it could be for one or all of these reasons or maybe something entirely different:

A: As we get older we become more discerning and knowledgeable about ourselves and who we are. We look for someone with our own outlook and interests in life and when we do not find someone like that, we prefer to spend the time on our own.

B: We cannot get over the loss of our loved ones and prefer to live without anyone if we cannot have them.

C: Maybe if we have been on our own so long, we are too set in our ways and are too selfish to change them and so avoid getting to know anyone else which might cause the need for it.

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