Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A plastic bug, 6 legged zebra and sunshine

Now I am guessing that you are wondering at the strange title of this post what all these have in common ........ the truth is ..... nothing except my camera. :) I do not have enough information on any of these to do a post on its own, so I decided to lump it all together.

When I first saw this Millipede Assassin Bug, I thought it was a plastic one until I found it in my book.
Please see Ted's wonderful post on this interesting bug as he has great information on it.
These spiders are called 'flatties' as they are indeed flat. This little fellow is about 2.5 inches in width.
He had come to visit me at home and was waiting for me when I woke up. His coloration reminded me of a zebra and I noticed he had lost two f his limbs.
Our rain is mostly over but these clouds do gather some evenings when I go and sit outside. It is so pretty, or would be if there were not all those telephone lines around.
What a pity to spoil an otherwise great view.

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