Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What a pleasure!!

Two weeks ago it was my privilege to meet the first of my fellow bloggers, Dale from Discovering Alpine Birds and his fantastic wife B. Although he is also a South African he is now living overseas and was here on holiday. We had a wonderful dinner together and spent a lot of time chatting about blogs and the lovely people on them.

Then last week it was a great honor to be able to take Andrea from Sidecar and his wonderful wife R to Pilansberg for the day. Another great couple. They are from Italy and have been to SA before. I was given the most precious gift of these two snails. I will treasure them always.
La ringrazio tanto per questo dono straordinario e tenere premuto il ricordo del giorno in cui abbiamo condiviso nel mio cuore per sempre.

Next I am looking forward to meeting Gaelyn from Geogypsy when she comes to visit in March next year. We are going to be spending two wonderful weeks together while I show her parts of this lovely country of mine. After that Jose from Jose E Harnandez World will be bringing some friends for a two week visit as well and we will also be going to Namibia. It is going to be a pleasure meeting them too.

Now come on the rest of you, I want to meet everyone in person please. :)

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