Saturday, September 19, 2009

A boring day at the office

....or is it? They day started off dreary with heavy clouds coming up, the wind blowing and cold temperatures. One would not think that it has been so hot here these past few weeks.

I was no sooner in my office when one of my fellow works said "Did you see this?". And there amongst was this centipede of about 4 inches in length.
It was not long after that another worker called and asked "Have you seen this?" pointing to the ground. There was the tiniest little gecko laying almost frozen solid on the ground. If it had not been so cold, I would never have been able to pick him up like this. So I took some pictures, put him where he was out of the wind and when I last checked, he was gone. Hopefully it was not a bird which got him.
Then another worker walked in and said "I have a present for you" and promply handed me this huge snail. I kidded him about bringing another couple then I could have had a decent meal and he just laughted.
All this before 10am, will my day continue to be "boring"?? What do you think? :)

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