Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cars in the Park - Part 8


  1. Love the old cars Used to go to all the rallies when I lived in Wales.

  2. Hello Pam. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It was really wonderful seeing these old cars again. They sure dont make them like this anymore. :)

  3. The old cars are very nice but the steam engine caught my eye. When I was young and growing up during WWII, I lived in the small village of Gordon, Ohio, and a man lived there who had three kids. One was my friend, and the father, Ralph, had real steam engines and he worked them to steam tobacco beds in the spring and to run wheat harvesters in the fall. And he even pulled several large plows to plow fields. The reason I mention this is that he also made miniature, to scale, steam engines like your photo and I would not be surprised to learn that this is one he built. If you know who built it, was his name, Ralph Ary?

  4. The cars are nice... but the peom about no other love made my heart sink thinking about how something like that came about.

  5. Thats a wonderful story and memory Abe. I do not know who designed the train as there was no board or anyhting there telling anything about it. Sorry.

  6. Thanks Mike. It is a very special song for me and is a story which Gaelyn can tell you when she gets back. :(

  7. Joan, looking at these old cars ....the difference between men and boy's is the price of their toys Lol!.

  8. Thanks Tom. They bring back so many wonderful memories.

  9. LOL! You are so right Lawrence. How I long to be able to go back in time.

  10. According to Albert Einstein time travel is possible :)

  11. In theory, yes you are right Lawrence, I just wish it were possible. Sometimes the old days are the best and if we look into our future, it is bleak, with nothing to look forward to just dull, grey days. Maybe I should believe more in science?

  12. Joan, life is like a movie in your DVD player you can Rew <- or Fwd -> but....we don't know how at present.

  13. It would be fun if we could really do that Lawrnece. LOL! Maybe in the near future we will learn how. It is all a question of trail and error as with most things in life. I would love to be able to move forward in time, or maybe it is back, I am not sure which. Sometimes we can wish for things in our past but it will be good to know where they end too.

  14. You're so right Joan. But the movie of life might not have a end.

  15. Is there anyway we could ever know this Lawrence? Seems to me that the future is an unknown quantity and we never know what tomorrow will bring. I know that there are things in life worth waiting for but it is not always up to me to say where it ends or begins for that matter. I have to just take each day as it comes and hope for the best. LOL!

    Py PC has gone on a "go slow" strike so I have to reboot. LOL!

  16. Your PC LOL! Might be because of the earth quake in Chile. Mother earth is getting back to us for what we have done to her. Pollution etc,etc...and she say's: "I'll give you droughts, floods,freezing winters, earth quakes, volcano's erupting to save myself and start a new beginning" LOL! thats just my thoughts.

  17. I think my PC went into shock. LOL!

    It is really a bad one in Chile isn't it? Your predictions sound like the movie 2012. One has to wonder with all these problems now, if it is not earthquakes it is sunami's or worse. Is there any end to it? I think you are right that the earth is trying to tell us something.

  18. As always, love the cool old cars. However, my brain is somewhere else right now so not able to comment more. Will talk soon.
    I leave tomorrow!

  19. Have a wonderful trip Gaelyn. I never thought we would get to this point...when you booked it seemed like such a long time to go. See you soon....

  20. Yes Joan, it is trying to tell us something. Excluding the floods and droughts all over the world we had the 2004 tsunami in Somatra an earth quake in Haiti one month ago killing 200,000+. Earth quake in Japan on Friday now in Chile. So 2012 well.....????? as I said there is more to come. Maybe for the good LOL!

  21. I DO hope something good comes out of it Lawrence. I will be waiting to see what happens. I think we all live to hear good news no matter how long it takes for us to get it. There is enough disaster in the world and we need to move past it onto something better.

  22. Sorry Joan, I dwelled off the subject of the cars LOL! They are all beautiful. Nice to go back in time :)

  23. LOL! Yes we did go completely off track Lawrence but no problem. :) Yes, they were much happier times with wonderful memories. I remember most one trip I did down to the coast for a few days. It was the greatest few days I have ever spend. I wish I could go there again for a repeat. LOL!

  24. Love the cars but where are the Porsches? Which town is this in as it does not look like Joburg Cars in the Park.
    The animal photography is stunning and I will certainly be following you for further pictures.
    How I miss S.Africa but I am now learning to love France instead.

  25. Hi Diane. Thanks for visiting and commenting. The Porche's are somewhere in this series but I think it was in previous parts. :) Yes this was in JHB last year.What a great day it was to see these cars.

    I have traveled a lot too and miss SA everytime. I am not sure I would consider living anywhere else but here. We have perfect weather and climate not to mention the wonderful sunshine and the animals. :)

  26. You seem to love old cars as much as you love nature.
    So Gaylen is just about on her way.

  27. There are many things I love Jonker. :)

    Yes, her flight leaves in about 10 hours time and she is so excited she cannot sleep so guess what she is going to be doing when she gets here. LOL!! I have planned for it though as I know what I am like after a long flight.

  28. I will take one of the rolls...I am excited for you and Gaelyn....Michelle

  29. Fantastic! I'll take the 1958 Jaguar! :-)

  30. That is a beautiful car Michelle. I am SO looking forward to meeting her and doing this trip. I just love doing my "tour guide" bit. :)

  31. There I have to agree with you Jose. It would be my choice too. The first one I ever rode in was one like the 1968 model and from then on it was always my dream car, that is until I grew up and discovered 4x4's. :)

  32. Love those cars, but that steam tractor caught my eye!

  33. That tractor was so cute Becky. I could not believe that it was strong enough for people to actually sit on. The detail on it was perfect too.
