Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Laterite Matron (Automolis lateritia) Thyretidae

A stunningly beautiful moth.


  1. Stunning photos, wish I could take close ups like that.Diane

  2. Thanks Diane. Just a little bit of practice helps and a fairly good camera of course. :)

  3. That certainly is a beautiful moth! Nice red fur coat it's sportin' too!

    What an amazing eye shot, Joan. Yes, you must have a good camera, and a patient subject ; )

  4. My, what a fancy coat! Do you suppose it is dressed for a fancy dinner date?

    As usual, these details are so precise!! Amazing!

  5. Thanks Sharon. Believe it or not most of my macro shots are taken with a little point and shoot camera. I wonder if I collect enough of them I can make a coat out of it. :)

  6. Thanks Craver. I would like to dress up so fancy for a date too if I could, problem is, my hair is the wrong color. :)

  7. Joan,
    Funny about using the point and shoot because I feel the same way about my point and shoot, that is takes better macros then my fancy camera. I heard someone else say the same thing once.

    Maybe a Barbie doll coat, that's about it : )


  8. Stunning serie,Joan.
    The moth is wonderful and your shots so good...


  9. A simply stunning moth! Never have seen anything like it! You find the most interesting creatures to photograph! Thanks so much for showing us your world.

  10. Wow, that is the most fabulous moth I've ever seen. I like the colors and patterns and long hairs.

  11. Impressive red and great macro shots!

  12. With that red, lokks like he's ready for a dance down in the village...

  13. Wow Joan, I love those antenae! The hairy head is so cool. Almost like our Gypsy moth here, but yours has such an awesome color.

  14. Sharon: I have a Canon 400D with a dedicated macro lens and I almost never use it. This P&S is so handy as I can have it with me all the time and have now taken over 20,000 pictures with it. What a great little camera.

  15. Thanks Andrea. During this holiday with Gaelyn I did not take many pictures except if I found something interesting like this.

  16. Thanks Becky (Florida). I wonder if I will ever run out of interesting subjects? We do have such a large variety here.

  17. Thanks Diane. I just wish I could do more in identifying these lovely moths. During my holiday someone gave me a lead to a person who might be able to help me more. I need to contact them soon.

  18. Thanks Jose. Quite a beautiful specimen.

  19. Hello Mike. yes, he is quite dressed up and rearing to go. :)

  20. Thanks Becky. We have quite a few species with antennae like this so I could not classify it. I have found a few which are colorful but nothing like this.

  21. Joan he is, never seen red one before, especially that they supposed to camouflage too. Thanks for sharing again, Anna :)

  22. I thought we found that one in the book when looking for the other red one I took pics of. I remember all the bathroom bugs.

  23. Oh wow! It looks so fancy and "done up", to me it looks like a pimp moth! LOL!

    Great shots Joan, of yet another beautiful critter! :o)

  24. Stunning!
    I like its fluffy body - so squeezable!

  25. Hello Anna. With those colours, I wonder where he finds to hides unless it is on flowers.

  26. Hello Gaelyn. No the other as stripes. I need to contact the person I gave you the details of to see about identification. Hope I find someone to help me with it.

  27. Thanks Krista. You are right, it does. LOL!!

  28. Thanks for visiting and commenting 1ondoncalling.

  29. Thanks Leedra. This has to be one of the prettiest moths I have seen. Nice to hear from you again.

  30. My goodness...what a beauty and moths will be my new project this season..I hope the weather cooperates......Michelle

  31. It is so easy to trap them with putting a light outside on a cloth or tarp Michelle. Good luck. I look forward to seeing them.

  32. wow...that is gorgeous! Wish we had those! such a soft and pretty color and texture.

  33. I have never seen such a bright one before Mary and so this was a wonderful find.

  34. Stunning moth. I am glad you and Zane have discovered each other as well. He is starting to take amazing macros.

  35. Thanks Jonker. I have been to look at Zane's blog before and left a comment but it was a long time ago. It is nice to have others doing macro too.

  36. The second of the moth is my favorite. The antennae are really sharp...

  37. Thanks you Jose. What a pleasure to have you comment again. I do love to hear from you.

    This moth is such a beauty and I am afraid that photographs do not always do them justice.

  38. wow this is a stunning colour :)

  39. I have never seen one so colourful before so it was a great find for me Philip. Thanks.
