Friday, April 23, 2010

I wish....

… many times a day do we use that term? Have you ever wondered what would happen if they all came true? What if we say “I wish so-and-so gets a pain in the butt” or worse still “I wish so-and-so would go to hell”. But we don’t REALLY want them to go to hell do we because if they did, we would bawl our eyes out! Sometimes what we wish for reflects our un-satisfaction with our lives and circumstances, or maybe with just a single happening. But what if they are good wishes like “I wish you a wonderful day”, “I wish I could be with you” or “I wish there was no more hunger in this world”?
Do we wish our lives away in hopes and dreams that they will come true as we have such a negative way of thinking in these modern times? Aren’t most of them wishing for a better future? Isn’t it a kind of longing, maybe to be with someone special who is far away or to be able to make ends meet.
When we say that, are we REALLY wishing for it or is it just a phrase we use? Instead of wishing, should we not make the effort to make them come true? Words without actions are meaningless and is it not up to us to decide on our future and how things should be? Are our words sometimes so thoughtless to the consequences or so in haste that we do not watch what we say?
Is it a case of “be careful what you wish for as you might get it”?
How many times do we wish we knew the answers to questions, but do we really want to hear them?
I wish I knew…….


  1. Wonderful words - it certainly gave me food for thought. Diane

  2. Joan, this is exactly the reason that we are to speak to each other in all lovingkindness...
    Remember first words- "Let there be", not "I wish there was"
    Our spoken words WILL create new realities, so they should always build up and edify others, creating healing situations.
    So my spoken word is this, "Let there be peace and joy for you this day!" "Into your heart it comes, Into your heart it stays!"

  3. Interesting post, Joan! To wish, want or hope for things to be different than they are does imply a lack of contentment that includes suffering. Wishing focuses on a future that doesn't exist rather than the present moment. I like the way Mike puts it "Let there be, rather than "I wish..."

    However, offering good wishes to others is a part of our social conditioning so... I wish you a pleasant day. :)

  4. Hi Joan, I'm just getting caught up on your posts over the last few days. I got terribly behind!
    Much Love

  5. Yes indeed. Food for thought.

    One way I use "I wish" is to soften a criticism, especially in a positive sandwich. For example, "I like the talent we heard from your vocal team (positive). I wish you would explore harmonies a little more (gentle criticism). The lead vocalist knows how to tap into the audience's emotions (positive).

    No soft criticism for those pics though. They are absolutely terrific!!

  6. very thoughtful post joan. one i needed today. thank you. michelle

  7. A lot of people say it but never think about saying it like "hello" doesn't mean much and if you say more than that, it is often too much.

  8. I love your words Joan. I've never thought of "wishing" in this way. Very interesting thoughts.

  9. If I'm going to wish for something I'm also going to put out a lot of energy, postive thought and action to make the wish come true as only I can. Otherwise, why bother. And to wish someone else well should be an honest feeling with truly good intent. Or again, why bother. It's not like I expect a genie to pop out of a lantern.
    I wish you the best for you!

  10. Lovely array of photographs with deep thoughts. Thanks!

  11. Thanks Diane. It is good to put on ones thinking cap now and then.

  12. You are so right Mike. Since a child I have always watched what I said as I know how words can hurt and once spoken, can never be taken back. Thanks for your kind wishes.

  13. Thanks Diane. I sometimes think that us humans can be so digruntled and unsatisfied with things. I hope you had a pleasant day too.

  14. Nice to hear from you again Steve. Catch-up can be hell. :)

  15. Now thats a good idea Craver. Just lately I found myself using the term quite often till I got to think about it. I guess sometimes one gets into a situation which you would like to change and let it be different but no matter how much you wish it so, it can never be.

  16. You are welcome Michelle. Sometimes we need to think on these things.

  17. You are right Abe. We all need to have more meaning to our words and be careful what we say. Sometimes people say things without meaning them and never realize how much they can hurt others with thoughtlessness. Great to hear from you again.

  18. Thanks Becky. I found myself wishing my life away and you know how senseless that can be. It cannot and will not change aything.

  19. I 'wish' that worked Gaelyn but you know what I was wishing for and how stupid and sensless it was/is. No matter how much energy I put into changing things, it could never change the situation. I only wish it could. :(

  20. Thanks Zane. Sometimes I think I have to much time to think about things and puzzle on the answers to questions. I never seem to find answers though to most of my questions.

  21. The butterfly shot is fantastic, they look so beautiful!

  22. Thanks Jose. They are called Rice Paper Butterflies.

  23. Joan: Something I don't do often, I try to stay on a level path and wishing gets you nowhere.

  24. Wishing is kind of pointless...but we all do it sometimes. I'm really glad that wishes don't come true, as you say....such horrible mistakes we would make. It is better to pray and to leave the plans in God's hands. Trust him. Your photos are beautiful.

  25. You are so right Tom but it is amazing how often we use the term.

  26. Thanks Mary and I do agree with you that it is pointless. Yet I for one do it all the time. I think it is more of an expression than an actual wish don't you think?

  27. Joan I only wish good things for others. Very nice inspiring post, and those butterflies are beautiful - I wish I had those here too, lol. Thanks Joan again, Anna :)

  28. Thanks Anna. Me too, everyone has enough negative things in their lives and do not need more.

  29. What a wonderful thoughtful post. I would like to copy it and put it on my wall as a reminder to keep my thoughts uplifting. thanks for sharing such wonderful thoughts.

  30. Thanks Johnina. You are welcome to copy and paste it so you can print it.
