Saturday, April 10, 2010

A post to make Gaelyn jealous!!

Guess what I got and am going to be pigging out on this weekend? LOL!! LOL!!


  1. Not just Gaelyn!
    I was given a whole liter of fresh orange juice today. and that cake would have gone down a treat with it.
    my neighbor across the alley, noticed I had not opened my windows and balcony door so came over said your back pain again Mr Tony, not too worry this make it better.
    very nice of him not many think of others here,

  2. I am will to share if you are Tony. :) What nice neighbours you have looking after your welfare like that.

  3. Joan, you are and always will be my freind! That is the best way to get her back for the pics she posted... course now, I guess I'll never get the chance to see your country, or meet you, as she just might do me in for laughing so loud when I saw the picture! I try to be neutrel like the Swiss but sometimes things are really funny when it's all in fun! Have a blessed day of "Having your cake and eating it too"!!

  4. LOL!! This was fun Mike!! I know she is going to kill me for it but pay-back is always hell!! Thanks for staying "neutral". LOL!! If she does not bring you here, you will just have to come on your own and leave her begind. I will make you coffee in the mornings too!! :)

  5. I'm on the next flight out to Jo'burg, and there better be some of that cake left when I get there. Oh yea, and Mike is with me, so make it a Big Double Chocolate Cake, cause we're both pigs.
    You So deserve this fix.
    Not jealous, just have to get to the bakery today, STAT!

  6. Hey, hey! Don't forget me. I'm close enough to share - lol.

  7. Internet down all morning and I finally connect to see this wonderful chocolate cake looking at me!!!! My mouth is just watering! I also love the picture of the barn owl, they are such magical birds. Diane

  8. You have to cut that delicious looking cake and send all of us a piece now that you have made us drool all over the keyboard. The very least you can do!

  9. Now that looks very yummy and I bet it doesn't last long! FAB.

  10. That was the whole idea Gaelyn .... to get you and Mike here in double quick time!! LOL!! When you ariive I will have one for each of us plus forks to eat it with and we can sit in the airport gorging ourselves!! LOL!! If anything, THAT should make news headlines. :)

    Yu are right, this fix has been a long time coming!! :)

  11. Come over Anne. I never mind sharing ....well okay, I am a bit stingy with chocolate cake!! LOL!!

  12. Oh shame Diane!! I will have to post you a piece!! :) Those owls are cute. I was given some to heal after they got sick from eating poisoned rats last year. What a great story and it ended with me being able to see them both fly off, recovered and well again.

  13. Come on over Mary. I will make sure you get the second biggest piece as I am sure Gaelyn will want the biggest!! LOL!! She is so skinny but you should see her eat!! LOL!!

  14. It wont last long at all but you are quite welcome to join everyone who is coming over Frank!! :) I will have to go out and get a few more to go around.

  15. You are so funny, Joan! I am surprised to see a chocolate cake instead of a butterfly or bird or something. It looks delicious!

  16. ohhh, that is not nice of must have an ornery streak. Funny thing, I bought a chocolate cake from the Grocery store the other day and still have it sitting on my counter. Enjoy your pig out.

  17. LOL!! It is called diversity Diane or maybe just hunger!! LOL!! It IS good and I have finished about half of it already. Okay, it is a small cake at that but I will definitely get to the other half today. :)

  18. LOL!! Just getting Gaelyn back for posting pictures of me which she took so sneakily. LOL!!

    There is one thing which never lasts with me Sandy and that is chocolate cake. I only buy one about every 6 months or so but have been feeling like some for a few months now so it was time to get it.

  19. Oh Boy! It's going to be a party!
    Why not just bake me my own cake. LOL I believe you're just trying to fatten me up. Sure is interesting that a choclate cake can inspire so many bloggers to drool on their keyboards. ;-)
    No pay back here girl. Give it your best shot.

  20. Love choc cakes. At my friends place, she served choc cheesecake,

  21. Of course I did Tom!! You don't expect me to let it go to waste now did you? LOL!! It is a small one though so there is not a lot to it. :)

  22. For your next visit, I will bake you one myself Gaelyn!! I guess I unintentionally made a lot of people hungry didn't I? :) Maybe I should do more baking and post pictures of it as it might inspire some people to do the same. :)

  23. I would not mind having a piece of that scrumptious looking cake.

  24. I will send you a piece too Vagabonde. :)

  25. Well that looks yummy!! I bet it was too, heehee :)

  26. It was Leeloo!! LOL!! I have finished it already otherwise I would have given you a piece too. :)

  27. I LOVE chocolate cake...yummy.... Is it your birthday?

  28. I never buy anything else but chocolate cake. It has to be the best one ever invented. No, I just like to get one of these every six months or so and make a pig of myself. I do not usually eat cakes or sweet things otherwise. Thanks Michele. :)
