Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If all else fails....

... go out into the rain soaked garden and see what you can find to take pictures of. This poor earthworm was trying to get out of the mud and find a drier spot.
A very pretty leaf still with raindrops on it.
A Canna with two lovely contrasting colors.
A Sparrow looking to see if there was any dry seed still available.
Gorgeous Hibiscus in yellow....
.... and red.
The flowers of a tree.
A pretty moth clinging to a wall.
And an Inch Worn doing stretches......
....and bends. So you see, even on the dullest day, there is always something to take pictures of. :)


  1. Great Pics, love the inch worm. What I need to know is how do you take pictures in the garden when there is a howling wind and everything is dancing around? Diane

  2. Yep as long as it's a BUG LoL !! even with a tsunami it would not stop you Those Canna's are stunning Joan :)

  3. Now that a tough one Diane!! :) Do like me and wait until the storm has passed. :)

  4. LOL!! I have my reputation to think of Philip and have to live up to the name you gave me. :)

  5. Joan: Love the inch worm best, they are acrobats.

  6. Your yard is a wonderland. Sure would like to see some colorful flowers here soon.

  7. SO much to see in your garden Joan. I need to chase the builders away from my property (only another wek left) and then start setting my insect snares up - wondering which flowers are insect and spider magnets.

    Excellent photo's in that batch. Thanks for the comment on my blog.

  8. You're absolutely right. There is nothing dull about these pictures at all.

    I do not recall ever seeing a live inchworm in my life. Every time I happen to find something, I first try to take a photograph, and then bring the kids out so they can see it, too. Sometimes they tolerate their enthusiastic dad, but sometimes they are genuinely interested, as well. I'm glad they make the effort. :-)

  9. Looks like a very successful, UNdull day to me! Great shots Joan!

  10. Yeh - great stretch and tone exercise routine for the Inch Worm!

  11. Lovely rainy day photos. Since taking up photography in earnest I have developed a keen interest in bugs.

  12. They are cute Tom and I love watching them inch along, they look so funny. :)

  13. I cant believe that there is snow falling in places Gaely. IT IS ALMOST JUNE!! My goodness!! I hpe for your sake it warms up soon and get to be summer again.

  14. Its small but a pretty good one Zane. One of the bushes which attracts a lot is the Lantana but it is such a pest!! The birds eat the seeds and the bushed pop up all over the show. Look for plants which have lots of little flowers as that really attracts them. There are so many lovely smelling ones like the honeysuckle and Jasmine. Vygies also attract a lot of bees but most of all I find insects are attracted to yellow flowers although this might be my imagination, especially daisies.

  15. Thanks Cravere. They are not too easy to find and I am pleased to hear that the kids are enjoying them too.

  16. LOL!! You are right Krista, very UNdull!! Love the word!! :)

  17. Thanks Ida. Ek is so bly jy het weer kom kuier!! :)

  18. Welcome to my blog Denise. Insects are such interesting creatures. I have become very involved in taking pictures of them. :)

  19. BEautiful selection of photos! That moth looked like someone told him to put his hands up - lol!

  20. LOL!! I had a good laugh at that one Shelley!! It sure does look like it!! :) Lovely to hear from you again. :)

  21. Thanks Leedra. Those colors go together realy well.

  22. You are so right Joan. Even on the dreariest of days, there is always something to photograph to lift your spirits.
    I really like the saying about the condition of love. How very true!

  23. For sure Becky. :) Yes, it is true but how lost it seems to be nowdays.

  24. You did manage to find several interesting things..I am coming into frog season..best time for me to get photos of the pond frogs during their mating times...then on to dragons and damsels..exciting time for me...gosh, I am weird....Michelle

  25. Even on a wet and rainy day we can trust in you to find us something interesting to see.

  26. Inchworms!
    I love them:they are very attracting insects.

  27. I sure did Michelle. Sounds like you are in for s super summer my friend and look forward to the pictures.

  28. LOL!! Sure can Jonker. There is so much beauty around us.

  29. Thaks Andrea. They are cute and funny!! :) I love watching them and they come in nice colours too.

  30. What a great collection of macros - love both your posts ..... really fine detail!!
    Gena D
    Thinking Aloud

  31. Hi Gena. Great to hear from you again. I am sorry I have really been neglecting everyone but I am so busy with this project. Just a few more weeks and it will be up and running then I will be back to normal and have more time again. :)

    Thanks. This little camera of mine takes wonderful pictures.
