Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mating Craneflies

I was sitting outside and out of the corner of my eye I saw strange shape going by. No, it was not ghost-like. :)
I saw it land on a tree but rather high up so I went and found a chair to stand on and grabbed my camera at the same time.

Even with the chair I could hardly get to it but saw that it was a mating pair of Craneflies.
As you can see, I was still a lot below them but the pictures came of fairly well so I thought I would post them. They can be enlatged for more detail. These insects have the longest legs!!


  1. Maybe beyond normal reach but great photos as always. Diane

  2. I saw it once but didn't have my camera handy.

    Would this be termed Cranefly porn?

  3. I am almost convinced that a cranefly and hanging fly are the same insect or names are often confused. I have taken photographs of these insects hanging from their front pair of legs - hence the name hanging fly. Another key aspect is the snout - easy to see when using a macro lens, hence my thoughts on a hanging fly. Identification is always a problem - anyway great photos. I have some macro eye and head photographs of these insects - lovely dark compound eyes.

    Jonker - your imagination runs wild - young man.

  4. Poor craneflies. That's not very romantic.

  5. Leave it to you Joan to catch them in the act. Very good eyes and great captures of this discreet act. They were probably too busy to notice you, especially as it must have taken a bit to get the chair outside and all. ;-)

  6. You really do get some great subjects Joan. Super pictures.

  7. Thanks Diane. Got to find some way to capture these interesting images even if it means climbing up on a chair or ladder. :)

  8. Oh gosh Jonker, you weren't supposed to see this as you are MUCH too young!! LOL!!

  9. These do not hang by their front legs Zane, or shall I say, I have not seen them do it. One way of telling them apart is that the cranefly has a V shape on its thorax.

    You are right though, if one is not an entomoogist, it is sometimes very difficult to tell some of the species, especially Diptera (flies) apart but I am learning and studying as I go along. :)

  10. You right Craver, no privacy, and what happened to the candlelight and soft music? :) Not to mention these bug people who go climbing on chairs to take pictures of that intimate moment!! LOL!!

  11. LOL!! Thanks Gaelyn, it is a wonder they did not fly off to try a more private spot? :) These bugs have to learn f they get up to things like this around the Bug Lady's territory, she is going to take a picture and post it for the world to see. :)

  12. Thanks Becky. We do have enough interesting subjects here in this warmer climate of ours.

  13. Wow...great capture! Never know what you will see, and be lucky enough to have a camera handy :-)

  14. Thanks Mary. My camera and I are never seperated except maybe if I go to the bathroom. :)

  15. You always find the most interesting subjects!

  16. Thanks Jose. Interesting country has interesting bugs. :)

  17. Wow..what an exiting catch Joan and they didn't mind an audience....

  18. Well they did not fly off so I take that to mean they did not mind at all. :)

  19. I feel like such a voyeur! LOL it's ok though, I don't mind. ;o) Carry on then. LOL!

  20. Me too Krista, but I can asure you I did not look longer than was necessary to take the pictures. LOL!!

  21. Joan: Neat capture, I remember when I thought they were female mosquitoes.

  22. So did I Tom. Shows how much one learns over the years. :)

  23. LOL! Well that's good Joan. Common decency, privacy... and all...


  24. LOL!! I would not like someone looking at ME too long either if I was... well you know... LOL!!

  25. Too funny! You never know, maybe they were exhibitionists!!?? ;o)
