Monday, May 10, 2010

Spider and egg - Sheet Web Pisaurid Spider (Euprosthenops sp) Pisauridae

Going down to see one of the waterfalls with Gaelyn, We came across this small spider with its egg.
It is fairly small, probably less than 1/2" in diameter but it was very protective.
The egg would probably hold a 100 or so babies in it.


  1. Once again your photographs are just brilliant, I wish my little Samsung digital could take pictures like that. I have not got the skill either though!! Diane

  2. How weird is that, just finished my blog look at it on line and who has another spider on my side bar?
    nice one, nice blog for mums day also.

  3. Hi Joan,this photos are wondenful, unique and rare.

  4. Joan: Wonderful capture of the little critter, great photos.

  5. I so remember seeing this amazing motherly attention. The egg sack was bigger than her body. Your shots are much clearer than mine.
    I sure enjoy these memories of our ZA adventure Joan. I'm so behind on posting.

  6. Stunning serie!
    It could be good for Mother's Day :)

  7. WOW, Joan these shots are brilliant! 100 babies! She is a very busy spider, caring for all of those developing pre-spiders. I don't envy her the responsibility!

  8. 100?! Ugh! Imagine having to come up with 100 baby names!

  9. That sure is a scarey looking spider! Is it poisonous?
    Spiders make the hair on the back of my neck stand up... seems like every time I turn around, I'm getting bit by something...

  10. oh WOW, that is so cool!!
    AWESOME photo's!!

  11. Excellent art work, Joan! You don't suppose that she has a few hundred eggs in that case do you?

  12. Thanks Diane. These were taken with my 400D as that is what I had with me at the time.

    It took me a while to get used to macro on my little P&S too but it just takes some practice and I am sure you could do it too. :)

  13. Thanks for visiting and commenting Elettra. I loved the pictures of your roses you posted.

  14. Thanks Tom. A very neat little spider.

  15. I know you have been busy Gaelyn and I am sure things will slow down for you in a while and then you will catch up on your posting.

    These shots came out pretty well but I had my 400D with me at the time so I could get better detail with it. :)

  16. LOL!! You are right Andrea, I should have posted it for Mothers Day. :) The ladies on my blog would have thought I have gone crazy!! LOL!!

  17. Thanks Krista. I would NOT like 100 or even 2 babies at a time thank you!! Imagine what it must be like at feeding time. LOL!!

  18. LOL!! One would have to go through the alphabet 4 times Craver and as they are identical..... well, it is mind numbing to say the least. LOL!!

  19. ost spiders bite if you hurt them Mike but they, or at least most of them, cannot do you any harm. Some can leave bad skin damage though but none can kill you, so here is my advice: if it bites you, bite it back. LOL!!

  20. Thanks Sara. Those legs are SO long. :)

  21. She sure has Steve. :) Imagine having to find enough food to feed them all? :)

  22. Hi Joan
    I love these spider photographs. This spider has long legs and wonderful colours. I did not get a chance to comment on the locust or sunbird sets that you posted - they are also wonderful. I have been away for a long weekend - took quite a few photographs. Must find the time to post the photographs on my blog.

    Thanks for the comments on my blog.

  23. Thanks Zane. I have been wondering where you were and look forward to the pictures. :)

  24. Wow...great photos! I guess even "creepy" mothers deserve their day and to protect their young. Such long legs it has!

  25. Did I tell you how much I hate spiders?! LOL! But on the other end they are fascinating creatures (I know...).

  26. Joan this is excellent shot of the spider. Not that big, I think it is, any kind of spider scares me, lol. Those legs especially, the longer they are, the fast probably be going after me, lol. I guess you can tell I am not a spider person, but your photos are still stunning and worth looking at. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)

  27. Thats the best of nature Mary, no matter what it is, insect, snake, bird or animal, mothers are always protective.

  28. Oh dear!! We all have our pet hates don't we Jose? Now here is something REALLY silly ..... I do not hate spiders etc as you know, but our Baboon Spider .... well that is an altogether different story. :) How can I possibly like all spiders except one? It is not even harmful!! LOL!!

  29. Thanks Anna. You are right, this is a very small spider. The egg she is sitting on is about the size of a marble.

  30. Wow..all those eyes...great photo of that spider.....yup, I am fine with it...LOL....Michelle

  31. I was thinking of you when I did this post Michelle. :)

  32. This is the second spider post I have seen today and the second time I've had shivers down my spine.

  33. Sorry, I've been away for so long. Still having computer problems. Not a good excuse I know.
    Love that spider, and what awesome pictures Joan. What a good mama.

  34. No problem Becky. I have missed you though. :) Wish I was there to help you sort out the problem. Send me an e-mail as to what it is and maybe I will have some ideas on what you can do to fix it.

    Thanks, this is such a cute spider. I love the long legs and the stripes.

  35. Oh poor you Jonker!! It must be awful to see there critters if you dont like them. I am lucky in that I do not mind them at all.

  36. What long legs she has! I guess it helps to carry that big sac full of her babies. I'm not fond of spiders either. I know they are good for eating other insects. Just don't get on me and everything will be all right!

  37. LOL!! You are not alone!! Many people feel like that about spiders. :)

  38. This little spider with her egg gives a new meaning to the expression "Mother Nature".

  39. Never thought of it like that Anne but you are right. No wonder we think of nature as 'caring'.
