Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The park - Part 4

In some places you walk under this canopy of red flowers from the Coral Tree.
This pretty looking stalk is from the Parafin bush.....
...heaven alone knows what it was doing in the garden as it is a weed and one banned from our gardens.
Aren't these lovely? Such a lot of colors to please the eye.
I do know know what this shrub is called but it was full of these lovely buds.
Mainly aloes but this shows you some of the variety of plants they use in the gardens and come in all shapes and colors.
Dotted along the pathways are nice benches to sit on and enjoy the quiet harmony of the place or maybe eat some sandwiches. I do prefer sitting on the lawn though. Benches are for old people. LOL!!
A Cranefly sitting on a leaf next to a pond.
A pretty bush with these lovely flowers. The centre is in such contrast to the white petals.


  1. Beautiful pictures as always. The white star flower looks very similar to the yellow one in my last post, but mine is a succulent and not a shrub! Of course I would also prefer the grass:) Diane

  2. Looking at all the flowers it is hard to believe that we are in winter. Another reason to love this beautiful country of our's

  3. Some bright and colourful flowers - did not even take the camera out today - too cold and wet in Port Elizabeth.

  4. I grew up in Chicago. Your blog is like a menu that always offers new food. Everything I see here is so different from the things I have seen before!!

  5. I must be old as I'd want a pillow on the bench to enjoy the beauty of this garden.

    Is the Parafin bush an invasive, or just called a weed?

  6. What a beautiful place for a walk with all those fascinating shapes and colors. The bench looks inviting to me. You probably prefer sitting on the lawn so you can look for bugs. :)

  7. I think I would like that park! I had to laugh at "benches are for old people!" Hahaha... Jimmy and I sit on benches in the park all the time. He jumps right up and sits beside me and we watch the river and eat french fries. Going to have to knock off the fries one of these days or Jimmy might get fat. ;o)

    I really love those multicoloured flowers, they look like they should be silk or something! So neat!

  8. Exotic is what I'd call it. So interesting. Thanks,
    Troutbirder (a sometime bench sitter) :)

  9. Beautiful flowers Joan. I like all the different plants you have down there, and I do like benches.sorry...

  10. Phew!! Glad to hear you also like the grass Diane. Reading my comments it looks like I have got into a lot of trouble saying benches are for old people. LOL!!

  11. It is always so nice and green here in PTA Jonker. In most places the only sign of winter is that the grass goes brown in some areas where they get frost.

  12. It is getting to be where I do not go out looking for bugs either Zane and have to rely on pictures I have stocked up from the summer. Up until about 10 days ago, there were still lots of butterflies around but now, almost nothing.

  13. I am pleased to know you find the menu attractive Craver. Variety is the spice of life as they say. :)

  14. You must be old Gaelyn. Pillows are for old people too. LOL!! Just teasing you my friend. :)

    As far as I know it is an invasive plant but not one of those wich propogate so easily as to becone a huge pest like some of them. In its own way, it is a pretty plant like the Lantana.

  15. Thanks Diane. My dad used to tell me that I would never be a lady as I was too much of a tomboy and I guess sitting on the lawn once again proves him right. LOL!! That is, besides wanting to look for bugs of course. :)

  16. I sure got into trouble with that remark about the bench didn't I Krista? LOL!! I am just SO much more comfortable on the grass. :)

    I think those flowers would make a nice tapestry.

    Yes, Jimmy has GOT to watch his figure. LOL!!

  17. Well I have to secretly admit that I sometimes sit on the benches too TB but please dont tell anyone. :)

  18. Thanks Becky, well okay, you can read my secret in my comment to TB too. :)

  19. Joan: Lovely captures from your little walk. Your plants are so different from across the pond.

  20. What a nice park and flowers. Those daisies are really pretty. I like the idea of sitting with a sandwich and just enjoying the loveliness. I might never get up and leave!

  21. the 4 pic I think are mesembtyant
    do not know how to spell the word.
    if they close at night that's what they are,
    just went to this link and the are

  22. I think the biggest difference is because of our warmer climate Tom. SOme of these plants do well in places like Florida and California.

  23. You are right Mary, very peaceful and relaxing.

  24. I think you nailed this one Tony. Thanks for going to the trouble of looking this up for me. :)

  25. Hahaha! No trouble here AT ALL! I thought it was really funny. I guess I am old. No wait... Jimmy IS old! He's 11! In dogs years that's downright senior. ;o)

  26. LOL!! Okay, we will let Jimmy sit on the bench and us spring chickens will enjoy the soft, lovely grass. :)

  27. Those are beautiful Joan and I can know identify craneflies....Michelle

  28. Thanks Michelle. Thats great. I sometimes wonder if the pictures and info I put on here helps people in any way so the feedback is lovely. I for one was so ignorant about the world of insects and have learnt such a lot the past couple of years.
