Friday, August 27, 2010

Gaelyn's visit - Part 2

Going up the steps at God's Window in the Eastern Transvaal (now Mpumalanga) we saw a small plane flying over but it kept in disappearing behind the trees.....

...but eventually I was fast enough to capture a picture of it. What a beautiful vista they must have from up there!! Gaelyn brough me luck as this was the first time I had managed to find a red mushroom. It was super tiny about 1/2 inch in height. The bracket fungi on this tree was just starting to grow but I have seen it become the size of a dinner plate. This small wild flower reminded me of a hollyhock and I wondered if it was related. Some bug had a good chew out of it. Sunset in Kruger Park


  1. Joan what type of Bird life is around here guess you know why I am asking :)

  2. It is fantastic Philip. This is where I took those pictures of the Sparrowhawk I posted a while back. Some of the areas are forests and there are species there which are not found in the bushveld scrub. Yeah, I can guess why you are asking. :)

  3. You foresty areas in Mpumalanga seems to be stunning for finding all these mushrooms and fungi. I love the little red one.

  4. I was thrilled to find it Jonker as this is the first nice colourful one I have found. Usually they are all shades of white and brown and very dull. :)

    You do have to go there on holiday, you will love it so much yu will never go back to PE. Naturally the weather is much better here too. :)

  5. That little red mushroom is cute but the sunset is my favourite, especially as it is at Kruger. I am jealous:-) Diane

  6. The red tiny mushroom and the pink wild flower are my favorite. They point toward the infinity of nature.

  7. All so beautiful. I really want to come back.

  8. Wish I was in the plane to see all the beauty of this place from above. Great mushroom shots.

  9. You are going to have to come over so I can take you too Diane. :)

  10. Thanks Birdy. There is no end to tha beauty in nature which surrounds us but I often wonder if people who live in cities notice it?

  11. I am waiting for you Gaelyn. That spot by the fence in Kruger is reserved. :)

  12. I would love to do the whole area in a microlite Jose, it must be stunning up there, like flying over the Grand Canyon.

  13. I like the little red mushroom... And the plane flying over, bet they did have a great view...

  14. Hi Joan,
    I'm getting caught up after traveling around for the last two weeks. As you know, I do love your work.

  15. I am sure it did Mike and I would have loved to have been up there too. :)

  16. Hello Steve. It is always good to hear from you. Hope your traveling was for pleasure and not for work. That trip you and B did sounded fantastic.

  17. Joan, hope I didn't spam you too much, lol, but you know I been bit behind with blogging, that is kind of lazy, sometimes we do need break I guess. Well I always enjoy to be here and see your photographic adventures. Anna :)

  18. Hello Anna. I love hearing from you and miss you when I do not so please feel free to "spam" me as often as you like. :)

    You are right, a break is sometimes very good and I think that Mathew keeps you quite busy too. They grow up so fast.

  19. I've only been in a small plane once when a friend took us up..what views you have that you can't get any other way....

  20. Love the little red mushroom Joan. I love fungus!
    Cool plane too, and it must be breathtaking from up there.

  21. I love flying in these small planes Michelle and the views are always so spectacular. At one time I udes to go up in them often.

  22. It was so small almost missed it Becky and as it was the first red one I have found, was pleased I didn't.

    That area in particular is magnificent to fly over. It is like the Grand Canyon but on a smaller scale.
