Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Odds and Ends - Part 11

This has to be the smalles grasshopper I have ever found as you can see when measured with my thumb.
There are a few plants which turn beautiful colors in our atumn, but not many.
Some of the leaves were floating in this small pool.
In South Africa, our wind comes from the south east, so all the birds build their nest on the north west side of trees to avoid it.
One of the Bee Flies. They are excellent hoverers and quite small in size.
I wonder if this butterfly landed on that dead piece of grass on purpose as it tones in so well with it?
He is much easier to spot when his wings are open. This is a very small butterfly Actizera lucida Rayed Blue


  1. Love the picture of the leaves floating in the water. I took a picture of a grasshopper the other day which was no more that 6mm body length. It will go on my blog at some stage. Diane

  2. That is one tiny grass hopper I have never seen one that small or is your finger big and you are just kidding US :))

  3. I like the butterfly, Joan. Stunning Photo

  4. That first one must be a baby cause I don't think I've seen them that small

  5. The floating leaves shot is so beautiful! At first I thought it was a piece of fabric, wonderful!

  6. We get a lot of little grasshoppers here and every step you take sometimes stirs them up jumping in all directions. That butterfly is beautiful. Those blue ones never like to open up for me. That Bee Fly is rather pretty! Great details!

  7. You have micro critters in your macro shots today. :-)

  8. Thanks Diane. I look forward to seeing the pic.

  9. As usual I am just teasing Philip. I borrowed the finger of the giant next door to use in the picture. LOL!! Just kidding. I could not believe this one was so tiny, a perfect miniture too.

  10. Thanks Sean. I checked out your profile but it tells me it is not available?

  11. It is a baby Jonker and has to be the smallest I have seen too.

  12. Thanks Jose. It made such a lovely picture in the half sunlight.

  13. Thanks Mary. It is not easy to get a picture of the wings open but now and again they flap them and if ones timing is right, you are lucky to get a shot like this. Not an easy task at all. :)

  14. Interesting little hopper.

    Butterflies - it is almost spring - lovely photos. Hope to get some photos of my own soon.

  15. Thanks Joan for posting this gorgeous series of pictures. The butterfly blend very well with the piece of grass. However I think it's more interested in nearby wood sorrel plant for laying eggs.

  16. Going for the small things. Great batch of odds and ends.

  17. I am looking forward to it too Zane as there have been no bugs and butterflies around for a long time now. :)

  18. Thanks Birdy. You are probably right about that. :)

  19. Thanks Gaelyn. Thankfully it is getting to summer again and I can go out and get new pictures.

  20. Enjoyed this and the leaves in the water beautiful. Lately I've noticed while out watering the plants how many grasshoppers are around right now. I don't think I've ever seen this many around here.

  21. Of course I love Butterflies, and the blue ones are my favorite.
    The leaves floating on the pond could be a quilt pattern. I love it.

  22. Some seasons are ike that Sandy. It seems like so many more of a species breed out than usual. Maybe each have their ideal conditions to do so.

  23. Thanks Becky. I do agree it wold make lovely colors for a quilt.

  24. Awww...cute little guy..it is a challenge as some do not open their wings..I have one guide that shows open and closed wings...

  25. If possible, I always try to get both shots but it takes a lot of time and patience as some of them refuse to co-operate. :) Thanks Michelle.

  26. Third photo down...looks like a painting, beautiful!!

  27. Sometimes we underestimate how smart animals and birds are. Interesting fact about the birds building nest. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)

  28. Thanks Anna. It is one of the things which is good to know as it can prevent you from getting lost in the bush. :)
