Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Art of disguise - Part 11

Since our winds and clouds moved in yesterday, I am having internet problems so please forgive me if I cannot comment on your blogs for a few days. I am trying though but it will just not open some. I will be back home on Sunday and catch up on everything.

This one is which is a bit easier to spot than the rest but again, if you do not know what to look for, they can easily be missed. They are classified as bugs (Hempitera) and not (Orthoptera) crickets and grasshoppers.
Cicadas are a well known family who's shrill buzzing on a summer night is very annoying to some people. The males have a pair of circular sound-producing organs that appear as 2 round membranes on either side of the abdomen, each reinforced with a srtong circular ring.
A muscle attached to the centre contracts and the recoil produces a click. Rapid contraction of these muscles produces a continuous noise. Both sexes have ears on the underside of the abdomen.
Males have at least one specific call to which females are attracted. One calling male stimulates others to joing in, forming a chorus.
Newly hatched nymphs dig into the ground using their enlarged fore legs. Here they feed on roots and it takes many years (sometimes over a decade) before they emerge, climb up a tree and moult into adults, leaving the dry skin attached to the bark.
They have two pairs of transparent wings, often attractively marked.


  1. I do like the buzzing sound they make and always looked around to see if I could find one. And never did. Now I know why well disguised as they are! :)

  2. I quite enjoy the buzzing of cicadas. Wonderful photos. Diane

  3. I like them too Ray, plus the sound of the crickets and frogs. :)

    These are not easy to fing as some of the species are the same color as the grass.

  4. Thanks Diane. A lot of people think of their sound as noise but to me noise is people, cars, phones etc. I guess it is what one is used to. :)

  5. As many times,I am impressed from the eyes.There is something magic in insects eyes.

  6. What an amazing creature, Joan. I'm sorry you're having problems with your internet. Enjoy the time off! When you return and if you wish, I have a link on my blog on Wednesday, 29th September to a new blog. Have a great day. (((Hugs))) Jo

  7. Ears on the underside of the abdomen? Well THAT'S different!!

  8. classic camoflauge for sure. he is a cute ugy little critter.

  9. This time I spoted the alien right on the top shot! LOL! The close-up makes it look absolutely scary! :-)))

  10. Their sound is rather pleasing to me, and I didn't know any of these facts Joan. Thanks!
    B. No hurry to respond about that insect picture I sent you..

  11. That is what I enjoy seeing too Andrea. The eyes fascinate me.

  12. Thanks Jo. It is just because I am in the bush and using a wireless connection. When the weather is bad, it interferes with the signal besides the fact that it is so slow.

    I will go and check out your new blog.

  13. If you have to have ears, who says it has to be on the sides of your head? LOL!! Thanks Craver. Imagine having them on your toes!! LOL!!

  14. You are getting so good Jose. :) Sometimes when I see these critters up close, I imagine what it would be like if they were 6 foot in length. THAT is frightening!! :)

  15. I do too Becky. Okay on the picture, I will check t out when I get back on Monday.

  16. I love those ugly things..no photos of them for me this year...don't worry about visiting..everyone understands Joan....

  17. I've been listening to the sound of the Cicadas for two days. I Love it! Unfortunately, Mike can't hear them. Yet I didn't go hunting for any. Took a few other bug shots though.

  18. LOL!! Even ugly can be cute if not beautiful Michelle. :)

  19. What did you say? Wait; let me take one of my shoes off...

  20. I love those bugs!

    They are much bigger here in Florida and have been know to eat small cattle and such, but your's are nice too!


  21. LOL!! Maybe shoes will have special holes in them Craver? :)

  22. LOL!! I thought it was Texas who's motto was "Everything's bigger in Texas"? Seems I was wrong Craig. :)

    Here, it is our bats which eat the cattle. They carry them off to their nests at night. And the mosquitoes!! Well if four of them put their proboscus in your house, they carry the whole house away!!

    LOL!! LOL!!
