Monday, September 20, 2010

Orchid Show - Part 2

The following text is from a wonderful site called Everything Orchids. Please click on the link for more information. It has all you want to know and more in growing and caring for orchids.

Growing Orchids for Beginners
Thank you for stopping by Everything Orchids! As the name implies, I want to show you everything about how to grow these cuties, such as how to take care of orchids, how to choose a plant, how to grow one indoors or outdoors and what to look for in cut flowers, plus much more!
There are myths about how difficult orchids are, but that’s totally not true. Most are super easy to grow. They have several basic requirements that can be quite easily satisfied. It does not take a high-tech greenhouse or a horticulture scientist to successfully grow and bloom these flowers. If I can do it, you can do it too! This website provides you a wealth of information on orchids and their cultivation.
I have been growing these beauties for about 10 years now. Since my first little baby from Home Depot, I have been so fascinated how interesting and beautiful they are. Each type is so different from another—you have Phalaenopsis that looks like a moth, Brassia that looks like spiders, Paphiopedilum that looks like slippers—yet they all belong to the same family.
Some of them have intoxicating fragrance, and some of them are so small that you have to use a microscope to see them. One thing you can be sure of—you will never get bored by them, because there are as many types as the number of stars!
I never have a greenhouse and never have a big area to grow, so I have to grow them by the windows, under lights indoors or in my small balcony. It all comes back to my point—orchids are easy to grow. You don’t need an elaborate and fancy environment to satisfy their needs! You CAN grow orchids!
Perhaps you just received a Cattleya as a gift and don’t know how to take care of it. Or you always like to grow plants and are interested in trying Cymbidium. Or you just want to grow a Phalaenopsis indoor to brighten the living space.
Whatever the reason, taking care of orchids is easy, and I would love to share my passion and knowledge with you!


  1. I have to say the orchids that I had in S Africa grew well and I had no problems with them. I have not tried them here, but maybe when we make the move permanent I will get some more. Lovely photographs of what is probably my favourite flower. Diane

  2. Beautiful colours Joan and well photographed I guess we will call you the Orchid lady soon :))

  3. Thanks Diane. The orchids are always such a pleasure to have around so I hope you get some soon and can grow them there too.

  4. Thanks Phiip. There were so many beautiful ones on display that it was difficult to decide what to post and what not to so I will post them all over time. :)

  5. Beautiful pictures, ...colors are perfect!

    Have a nice week, Joan.

  6. You have some yummy pictures Joan, and I have to agree with EVERYTHING you said. So wonderful and the fragrance is to die for in some of these. Of all the plants I have raised, the orchid is the most rewarding!
    Hope you are having an absolutely marvelous time.

  7. I foung this to be an interesting article Becky as someone mentioned that they could not grow orchids as they did not have a green thumb. :)

    Those of mine put our the most divine fragrance.

  8. My Father-in-Law really doesn't put in lots of effort into his orchids, so I believe you. Perhaps I should give it a go and ask him to "borrow" me a plant.

  9. Thanks Joan for reducing my fear about growing orchids. From this post at seems that growing orchids are as easy as A.B.C. The species you post here are wonderful.

  10. A good idea Jonker. Once you see how easy it is and how beautiful they are to have arond the home, you will get some of your own.

  11. I am so pleased this helped Birdy. I think sometimes it is just that these are so unusual for us and different that we are scared to try and raise some. :)

    Orchids come in so many different types and colours, it is always difficult to select which is the prettiest. :)

  12. Wonderful Orchids and thank you so much.

  13. Thanks so much for sharing all this Joan, orchids are so pretty :) Next summer I'm going to get some for my mother in law for her garden, she loves flowers.

  14. I am pleased you enjoyed these Wendy. Anyone you likes flowers would love these.

  15. Hello my dear friend. I have missed you Craig!! Why are you so scarce?

  16. I didn't know anything about them so this is news to me Joan.... Michelle

  17. What a great pictures of your orchids. They're so beautiful, wish mine will be like that too. Thank you so much for sharing it to us. Its so inspiring to see those orchids pictures full in bloom.

  18. Orchids are breathtakingly diverse. I do enjoy looking, but have no room to bring them home. Hope yours are doing great.

  19. Wonderful shots of beautiful orchid blooms!

  20. why, I am right here where I always been, LOL

    I posted a bug for you to look at, then a butterfly. Do come by to see me.


  21. :) In the end, they are so easy to keep. Not at all what you would expect. Thans Michelle.

  22. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Ramil. Sounds like you love orchids. I will go and have a look.

  23. They are Gaelyn. The flowers have dies off now but they smelt gorgeous. :)

  24. Thanks Jose. There were just too many beautiful ones there. :)

  25. No, you have been gone much too long Craig!! :)

    I am busy catching up and will go and look soon. :)

  26. I always find it impossible to pick a favorite! The wonderfully different spotted yellow one? Maybe the last lavender? Or those gorgeous red ones? No...the whites! Or maybe that purple and white? Well...just send me one of each, please!

  27. LOL!! I can understand your difficulty Mary. I had the same problem. :)
