Thursday, September 30, 2010

Round and about

A while ago some very good friends of mine came to visit me from Italy and we had a wonderful few days going to different places and enjoying ourselves.

A few nights before, I had been to a "do" at another friends children's school and there on the barbeque they had snake!! I could not believe my eyes!! My friends tried it but me, no thanks, I would rather eat leaves!! :)
At one of the places we went, they had built a platform and you could buy treats for the giraffe and stand there and feed him. Naturally the kids loves this close-up encounter with an animals whose head is usually 20 foot above theirs.
I ended up taking a really CLOSE shot of its mouth. A bit hairy don't you think? LOL!! For more info, click here.
One of the othr places we went they had some Caracal which they fed with small chickens.
They were so eager to get to the food that they would jump up onto the fence to get the food and it gave up nice shots of its claws. For more info, click here.
This Ostrich came to say hello. Must have thought we had food for it too. Click here for more info on them.
Along the way I found this Orange-throated Longclaw. It is the first time I have seen this bird and liked its colors.


  1. The Longclaw is beautiful and I really think that hairy mouth is quite kissable LOL.

    I would prefer to see the snake in the bush than on the barbeque! As a snake lover that to me is as bad as eating cat or dog!

    Joan, are you vegetarian or is it just chicken? Having never tried a raw sweet potato, of course I had to immediately go and try! I certainly did not dislike them but thought they had more flavour when cooked :-) Diane

  2. Great photos of the giraffe nose I love it.

  3. love that smoozy kissable close up of The Nose Mouth. that cat is gorgeous. snake? NOT and it even looks like snake, they should cut it up in small pieces. i shivered thinking about eating it.

  4. I'd have tried the snake, just curious.

    Looks like a zoo like environment to be feeding the animals. Sure gave you a good op for some unusual closeups.

  5. I am quite sure snake is very good.
    I remember some years ago at a G8 meeting in US,the US President offered fried snake to the other Members,and I thought "if they eat it,it must be good..."

  6. I am not sure it is kissable Diane. LOL!! Would it turn into a prince? :)

    You are quite right about those things, monkey too and yet to some they are delicacies like your snails.

    No I am not a vegetarian. I just do not eat fish and chicken. I prefer most veggies raw except for maybe potatoes. I would rather have most of them just like that or in salad form than cooked. :) Yeah, I am weird I know but I could not be bothered to cook for myself. :)

  7. Thanks Snapper11, it did come out well but then I was standing right under him. :)

  8. I would not want to kiss him either Sandra. Too hairy for me!! LOL!! The thought of eating something like that makes me feel ill. I would rather have a piece of dry bread or leaves!!

  9. The people I was with tried it and said it was not too bad Gaelyn. I am afraid I am not so adventurous when it comes to eating things!! :)

  10. I would hate to be in the diplomatic service Andrea as then I would be forced to eat all kinds of things and you know my opinion about that. :)

  11. Snake barbecue?!?! No, thanks! However I have already tried crocodile twice, in Thailand and Kenya...
    I have only seen a caracal once in the wild and just for a second... It's a beautiful animal!
    These shots are fantastic and the bird at the bottom is so cute!

  12. LOL!! I agree Jose!! You are brave to even try crocodile!!

    Caracal are not easy to find but it has been my priviledge to see them a few times in the wild. Being nocturnal, they are not easy to get pics of. Last year when some friends of mine were here, we were lucky to see one in the early morning and managed to get some nice shots of it.

  13. Love love the giraffe mouths. Great photos and so nice to click and go read more about some of them..

    ugh...I would have passed on the snake barbecue also.

  14. Thanks Sandy. I must admit it is the first time I have ever seen something like that on a BBQ here as it is not something people normally eat here.

  15. I love that giraffes snout. It is not a view one sees everyday.
    If ever you go down to the Plettenberg Bay area you must pop in at the Tenikwa cat sanctury. You can go in and walk with the caracals and other cats.
    BTW I would also give the snake a miss. They were made for secretary birds to eat.

  16. I thought it cute too Max. It is many, many years since I last went down that way but thanks for telling me, I will keep it in mind especially if my plans work out and I can begin to do a lot of traveling again.

  17. Some great close ups! I would not have realized the giraffe mouth was so fuzzy! Those claws of the caracal..ouch! I wouldn't have eaten the snake either...maybe a tiny taste out of curiosity.

  18. The only time I would eat snake is if it is the only thing I could find to eat while on something like Survivor. I love your giraffe snout pic. Very nice.

  19. Thanks Mary. He does need a shave doesn't he? LOL!! The farmers hate the Caracal in some areas as they kill their sheep even though the sheep are 5-6 times its size and you can see by those claws how easy it must be for them.

    LOL!! I would not even try a teeny piece!! I an curious in many, many ways but NOT when it comes to food. :)

  20. My father was in the army Jonker and he would eat anything!! Being in places like the Congo in the early 60's they were in the forsts all the time and if you did not catch snakes, rats, monkey or whatever else was around, you starved. Me, I come back to what I always say, I would rather eat leaves and flowers before I ate these animals. I am not very adventurous when it comes to food. Yeah, ok, call me a sissy!! LOL!!

  21. LOL!! I wondered if it was one they caught in the fields somewhere or one they had breed? Maybe road kill? LOL!! Disgusting!!
