Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gaelyn's visit - Part 5

One tree in Kruger Park was covered with these caterpillers.
What was strange to me is that there were always two together laying side by side. I have never seen any other cat do this.
A Slug Moth (Limacodidae)
A silk moth who mostly feed of fig tree leaves.

This moth was as large as my hand and I found it one night when I went to shower. Well okay, I DID shower more than ONE night!! LOL!!
Common Bush Brown butterfly (Satyrinae)


  1. Another interesting serie.
    The caterpillars have a really strange behaviour indeed.
    I saw some similar caterpillar in Italy too.
    I also found the same big moth in a shower in Kruger:but it wasn't only one...More than ten...
    I had to choose:the moths or me.
    And I choose to have a shower a day later :)

  2. I have never come to your blog that there are not many intersting things to see and think about. that slug moth is really weird and very intersting. like the close up of the handsome little catepillar

  3. LOL- what are the catepillars in the first photo doing to each other??

  4. Isn't it funny that we spent more time in bathrooms taking pictures of bugs and moths.

    I don't remember you showering more than once. ;)

  5. As big as your hand. That's amazing!
    I like that Slug moth. Similar to our Gypsey moth.

  6. Thanks Andrea. If they were that big I think I would have come back another day too. :)

  7. Thanks Sandra. I find so much of interest when I am out in the bush because all aspects of nature are interesting to me.

  8. LOL!! What a question Sreddy? :) Actually they were not mating and that surprised me as to why they were paired off like that. I could have understood it if they were.

  9. LOL!! Did we see any animals Gaelyn? :)

    Now there you go giving away my secrest again!! LOL!!

  10. They are a very glose family to the gypsey moths Becky.

  11. Seems to be moth time there by you. My brother would love a couple of those cats for his fishing.

  12. He could have done a LOT of fishing with those Jonker as there were thousands on that one tree. :)

  13. The caterpillars behavior of living in couple is really strange. Do you haveany idea about their ID?
    The slug moth is an interesting and beautiful moth.

  14. Cant find an id on them anywhere Birdy and it just adds to my frustration!! :) How I would love to be able to have the names of all the things I am finding.

  15. 30 dollars for a burger???? oh my word. i would never get one. is it because beef is scarce there?

  16. Everything is expensive here Sandra. We pay about $7 for a loaf of bread!!

  17. Oh how I wish I could visit Kruger some day.......

  18. Awesome photo's again J. Gaelyn is so lucky to have found the bug lady!


  19. Why dont you Ray? SA is a cheap destination for visitors and well worth coming to see. I will take you to Kruger.

  20. Thanks Craig. It was a good trip but definitely not long enough. :)

  21. That is interesting the two cats to know the reason.....

  22. I have been trying to find out the reason for it Michelle but no-one seem to know either.

  23. Interesting caterpillars and the moths are beautiful!

  24. Thanks Mary. I especially liked the Slug Moth.
