Monday, October 11, 2010

Odds and Ends - Part 13

You can imagine how quietly this duck must have been sitting to make such a great reflection without there being a ripple on the water.
There is a new golfing estate going up and on one of my hikes in the mountains, you could see the layout pretty well.
A Green Lacewing landed in my kitchen and allowed me to pick it up but did not stay long.
The bane of all gardeners. I can never seem to get this weed out of the lawns. The flowers are very small and pretty though.
This baby grasshopper is just starting to get his wings although he almost has his full adult colors.
A Bark Mantis is so well disguised when he is on a tree but set against this background, you can see his colors very well. This is still a baby as can be seen by the up-turned rear-end.
Even the eyes are made to blend in with his surroundings and the spines on his legs, perfect for gripping bark.


  1. The duck's reflextion is stunning, but my fav picture is the last one of the mantis. Great closeup.

  2. id did not know grashoppers could look like rainbows. WOW

  3. No Joan you are right there is not much better than Africa, but I have to say my heart is quite happy in France. I still get home sick though!!

    That grasshpper is brilliant in every way and I love the duck, it is so tranquil. Diane

  4. The duck with reflection is wonderfully crisp. Is that golf course going up near your home? It's a pretty weed, why remove it? That beautifully colored grasshopper looks kind of funny with those little bitty wings. Wonder why the youngsters have their tails tipped up. Hmmmm. Great bit of odds and ends.

  5. Awesome Duck photo J. The praying mantis is still on my to do list. I think they are hiding from me!


  6. Wow! So many great odds and ends! I love the bark mantis, what a neat bug!!!

  7. You know I love these little buggy guys and girls....

  8. The baby grasshopper is a winner! Fantastic colours!

  9. Thanks Friend of HK. These have to be one of our most beautiful ones.

  10. :) Kind of pretty hey Sandra? :) We actually have lots of colorful ones here.

  11. I guess it is a case of "home is where the heart is" Diane. I know that if I had to I could live anywhere too but I am so used to Africa and its climates.

  12. The golf course is on the other side of town Gaelyn, on the road as you come in from the airport, we passed it when I fetched you.

    A good question on why the tails are turned up. I cant seem to find the answer to that.

  13. Thanks Craig. You should have many wonderful species of mantis there but they are very easy to overlook.

  14. Thanks Krista. Kind of a cutie!! :) If there is one bug I especially like and that are the mantis.

  15. You are right Jose. Some species are so drab and ugly.

  16. You know I love ducks, and this is an awesome shot. Do you know what it is?
    Absolutely love the Mantis. What marvelous camoflauge!

  17. They are called Yellow-billed ducks Becky and are quite common here.
