Thursday, December 2, 2010

Farm Museum

With nothing better to do one Sunday, I agreed to tag along with some friends to an old farm house which had been turned into a museum. This is an old grinding wheel. If you look right at the bottom of the picture, there is a small stream which turns the blades. The wooden funnel at the top stores the corn and is let out onto the flat stone a little at a time to be ground. Quite primative, but it worked and that was all which mattered.
Heaven alone knows out of which century this tractor comes out of? :)

Inside a shed they had various other tractors and farm implements but the only one of interest to me was this beer wagon. What a beautiful piece of work!! A few years ago they used this in an advetisement.

I have never seen such a small cricket, maybe 3-4mm. I just loved the bug-eyes and those antennae which are about 4 times his body length.

This is a tiny Leaf beetle. On the farm they used to cure hides and he was almost hidden in the folds of one dried up piece of skin layng on the table. He is also about 3mm in length and one could easily think this was a ladybird. Many of the adults can become pests on plants which they eat.

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