Saturday, November 13, 2010

Vacation Time - Day 6 Part 2

On the farm is this old, rusty shed but there was something very unusual about it. Do you see what I see? You will find the answer in the last photograph but don’t look until you have studied this picture carefully.
I had caught this dragonfly and put it in my tank in order to take some pictures of it. It made a wonderful reflection in the glass.
At one of the dams, this herd of hippo were cooling off and as I walked along the banks, they did not take their eyes off my. It is a scary feeling.
All of a sudden, out pops this mother and baby and I was lucky enough to catch the drops of water still raining down on them. Hippo can remain submerged for up to 5 minutes.
The Masked Weavers prefer trees growing in the middle of dams to build their nests in. This way, some of their predators like egg eating snakes are ruled out.
The lizards like to come out and bask on the warm rocks and sand all the while keeping an eye out for something to eat.
The answer: if you did not notice it in the other picture, here is a closer look ...... the Euphorbia (a cactus-like plant) is growing on the roof. LOL!!


  1. Yes, I've seen them even before enlarging the pic! :-) Love the hippo shot.

    By the way, watch this, Joan, I'm sure you will enjoy it:

  2. Thanks for the invite. I saw them before I went to the bottom, but only because I knew I had to look for something! Great photos. Diane

  3. Loved that fly piccie. Thanks for helping me find you again! :-)

  4. LOL!! Getting used to my tricks hey Jose. :)

    Thanks for the link but there is a story behind that video ..... I was sitting there taking pictures of the lions laying on the bank not a half an hour before this happened!! There were so many cars and people there, I decided to leave and that was when the buffalo began to arrive and this whole drama took place.

  5. LOL!! You are all getting too clever now Diane.I cannot fool you any more.

  6. You are welcome Craver. I would hate to loose you too. Slowly but surely I am managing to contact everyone important to me.

  7. I really like the dragonfly picture.
    It seems it's saying: "Mirror,Mirror...tell me who is the beautiful...)

  8. Thanks for the invite, Joan. I saw the cacti (not realising theyu were euphorbia) before I read the post. Good shot. Beautiful photos of all the other wildlife. Have a blessed day. (((Greetings))) Jo

  9. Hou van jou naaldekoker makro! Baie interssante foto van die kaktusse - sal ons op ons dakke begin tuinmaak? LOL!

  10. I saw those (cacti)right away in the first picture but did not know what they were, LOL.

  11. Without look ahead I am going to say some kind of cacti growing on the roof. Possibly Euphorbia... but that's just a guess...


  12. I like that picture too Andrea. I wonder if he recognizes himself? :)

  13. That was clever of you to see it Jo. Seems like I cannot fool you with things like this anymore. :)

  14. Dankie Ida. Ek was baie bly met daai foto maar het dit eintelik nie gesien tot dat dit op die PC was nie.

    Daai plante laat my dink aan pleke soos Arabia waar hulle tuine op dit dak maak. :)

  15. You are just too clever Ken!! Maybe it is that you just know me well enough by now. LOL!! Most of these Euphorbia have flowers which only open at night so most are pollenated by bats.

  16. Oh my Craig!! What a CLEVER fellow you are!! LOL!! I do not know how come you always get these thing right like this. LOL!!

    FUNNY!! :)
