Monday, November 22, 2010

Vacation Time - Day 8

Every morning I would be up before sunrise and go outside to watch the sunrise. It was amazing how far north it traveled in the two weeks I saw there.
The first thing I saw on my walk was this grasshopper who seemed to know he was almost invisible amongst those leaves.
A nice close-up of him showing his beautiful eyes but I could not find it in my book so I do not know what it is called.
An egg sack of something but have no clue as to what laid it. It is about 1 inch in length.
A Dusky Copper (Lycaenidae family) is small, about 1 inch.
They are found over a large portion of the country and usually seen together in colonies.
There is not much more known about them so it would be something to study the next time I am in the area.
A Handmaiden moth? I am not sure but it does look like it. They have an unusual shape.

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