Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lion Park

During a visit of my good friends from Italy, we went to visit the Lion Park near where I live. They have an enclosure where they have a lot of cubs and they are just as playful as any kittens. They ranged in age between about 6 to 15 moths.
Some of them prefer to just be on-lookers though and leave the rough stuff to the more energetic. :)
“Oh, how nice it feels to have someone scratch my back for me.”
This one thought he was King of the Castle and did not associate with those “common” types down below. LOL!!
They also have a drive-through are with 5 enclosures of bigger lions, both white and tawny.
I just loved the way this one was stretched out with her paw on the rump of another lioness. :)
Yes, those paws are huge!! Until you see them up close, you do not realize just how big they are. The pads of each have individual markings and are used by trackers to identify them.
A mating pair. This is the time to stay away from them as the males get quite aggressive during this period. The male bites the neck of the lioness during this ritual.

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