Sunday, December 26, 2010

Robber Flies

Robber flies vary in size from a tiny 3mm to a large 40mm of which we have about 500 species.
Asilidae diversity can be attributed to their broad distribution, as most species tend to occupy a selective niche. Below: Microstylum sp
As their common name implies, robber flies have voracious appetites and feed on a vast array of other arthropods, which may help to maintain a healthy balance between insect populations in various.
Adults attack wasps, bees, dragonflies, grasshoppers, other flies, and some spiders who could be up to double their size. Below: Neolophonotus sp

Robber flies are particularly abundant in arid and sunny habitats, which are optimal conditions in which to observe their many morphs and behaviors.
Some species are well adapted to desert climates, where they are known to thermoregulate in response to temperature variations throughout the day.

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