Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vacation Time - Day 10 Part 3

Summer is starting and the bushes and trees are coming alive with new leaves.
Much of the grass is still brown as the rains are late so the flowers of this Boerboon tree add some lovely color to the surroundings.
Euphorbia (species) sap is a milky-white substance and quite sticky. The latex is toxic, causing intense irritation and blistering of the skin. If it comes into contact with the yes, can cause complete or partial blindness. This one is also known as the candelabra tree.
Buffalo Weavers are social birds and build huge communal nests in which to roost and forage on the ground with other birds. They are about the size of a Thrush.
A young Short-horned grasshopper (Family Acrididae) clings to a piece of grass.
The eyes are placed below the "horns".
It has not yet obtained its full colors and the curled body indicated a juvenile.
A ladybird/Ladybug lays curled up inside a leaf, probably guarding eggs which it has laid.
Bee flies (Family Bombyliidae) have over 900 species in South Africa. They are large with stout bodies and love basking in the sun.
They are very good at hovering and also help to pollinate plants. The eyes of this one is fascinating and this particular specimen is over half an inch in length.

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