Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Groenkloof NR - Park 3

Early morning dew is still on this weed and a spider has laid her eggs among the leaves and now they have hatched.
I could not help but take another picture of the dew on this weed. It is so pretty – like crystals.
A Brown Vapourer (Tussock moth) is once again according to my books distribution map, not supposed to be found in this area. They are small and the females are grey in color.
I am sure you have all seen these small tunnels. Sometimes they will be found of animals skins and horns mounted on walls. They belong to Clothes Moths. Many of this species have become pests in homes.
Rose Aphids – a gardeners pet hate….. but a necessary evil. If it were not for them, what would the other bugs eat? :)
Now don’t ask me what this is because I don’t have a clue. J Any ideas out there? I found them on the same plant as the aphids.
A small Hairy Darkling Beetle.
What a pretty flower and it is just under 1/2 an inch in diameter.
This plant grows similar to mistletoe. It attaches itself to a host tree and does not have any roots as such.

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