Friday, January 7, 2011

Groenkloof NR - Part 2

A female Braconid Wasp flew into the grass nearby…..
....And spent some time lapping up the dew which had formed on the grass.
With luck I managed to photograph the early morning sun in this dewdrop.
A tiny Leaf-rolling beetle. There were hundreds of them on the plants soaking up the early rays of sunlight.
A Tree Cockroach is almost invisible against the bark. The females are wingless.
In a small stream lay this shell of an Awl Snail. They are found all over South Africa and are very difficult to tell apart. I have just bought and received this wonderful book by Dai Herbert and Dick Kilburn on snails and slugs.
LOL!! Now THIS is a plant I do not want to step in or accidentally sit on and you can see why!
My goodness, there must be hundreds of different species of jumping spiders. Each time I photograph one, it is different to all the others. The only thing they have in common is their small size.

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