Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wilddog (Lycaon pictus)

Also known as the Cape Hunting Dog.

No two have the same markings, although each have the same black, brown and off-white colouring.

They will hunt and then come home to regurgitate food for the young.
When hunting, they rely on sight rather than smell to find food.

Pups that have gone on the hunt get first priority at the kill, or if the kill has been brought near the den, the young still have first choice to feed.
When the young are in need of chastisement, they will be held down on the ground by an elder putting a paw on his or her neck.

Litters of between two and seven pups are normal.
They hunt in packs and when they have chosen their prey, will run after it tearing pieces out until the animal is too weak to run or fight and dies.

Because of the strict pecking order, they do not fight much amongst themselves.
Once they have selected their victim when hunting, nothing diverts them from it. This enables them to hunt better by concentrating on a single animal rather than randomly chasing other animals of the herd.
Like most dogs, their tails will give an indication of their mood.
Hunting is normally done during the day, preference being given to early morning or late afternoon. They can often be seen lying under a shady tree during the midday heat.

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