Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leeufontein - Part 4

This picture came out so stunning that I could not resist putting in a close-up shot of this dragonfly. It is a Red Basker (Urothemis assignata) and rather large in size. They return to the same tip of grass or stick every time so are easy to get pictures of too.
I am not sure what was going on with this spider but it looked like one was eating the other. Unfortunately I did not notice it until I got downloaded onto my computer.
I am begining to come to the conclusion that we have the most beautiful moths. I have seen them come in all colors and sizes with the most wonderful patterns. What a pity that they have been so neglected when it comes to naming them.
If there is one species of insect here which I do not even try to learn, it is the robberflies. They look so much the same to me, yet they come in all sizes.
While we were sitting down and having a cup of coffee, this Stick insect came strolling passed. They are so unusual.
I know I have posted pictures of this grasshopper before but this one shows its wonderful colors in the wings which is unusual to get pictures of.

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