Thursday, June 16, 2011

Autumn Walk - Part 6

As late as it is in the season, there are still wild flowers around and as always, some hungry bug to feed on it. :)
 Certain butterflies are found the year round no matter how cold it is. This one is from the Acrea family.
 Lots of plants are at the end of their season and are getting their seeds. They are kind of pretty.
 A Needle-nose fly still find nourishment.
 Some wild winter berries are not starting to get flowers. These should keep the birds going for the winter when everything else is scarce.
 This Crab Spider was not doing a very good job of being invisible was he? :) Sorry, some of these pictures are not right again. I wonder if blogger is ever going to fix the problem or put in something so we can turn it?

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