Friday, July 8, 2011

Roodeplaat Dam - Part 2

Lets face it, winter is definitely boring!! If nothing else, at least there are always some birds around so a day out is not totally wasted. They pump water out of the dam at this point and there is not space for an ant on it let alone another bird. :)
 White-breasted Cormorants and White-faced Whistleing ducks are found here throughout the year.
"Now this marker it put here just for me isn't it?"
 A Red-knobbed Coot.
 As always, I try once again to get that "in-flight" shot and as usual, I end up with a butt shot. LOL!! Well okay, at least I can see what its feet looks like. :)
 Thank goodness it touches down on the water and I can get a picture of it.... an Egyptian Goose.
 A seagull???? Here??? I guess the fishing must be good so far inland and this one was the only one around so there is no competition for food.
 This is one of our loveliest water birds, the African Jacana. This is not the best shot of it but it does show him lifting a foot out of the water and you can see why they are called "lily trotters".
 The Jacana is a small bird with a body size about the same as a pigeon. Both the male and female have the same coloring.
 They are very distinctive with that blue marking on their heads. They eat small fish and are found at most inland waterways, ponds and dams,
 We have quite a few different types of Plover and in a short space of time, managed to get pictures of three to show you. All Plovers are very noisy and screech when you come near. This is the Crowned Plover.
 A Blacksmith Plover tones in very well with his background. As you can see, they had recently burnt the grass in the area. Many wildlife and nature reserves do controlled burning during the winter.
 A Wattled Plover with its distinctive yellow wattles and legs to match. It also has a white marking on the front of its head.

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