Saturday, July 23, 2011

Roodeplaat Dam - Part 4

A nest of tiny Assassin bugs in a hollow of a tree.
 In one section they have burnt off the grass and I found this turtle shell laying there. I wonder what happened to the turtle?
 This time of year is the best time for getting pictures of nests, eggs etc. A tree cockroach is gaurding eggs.
 With all the leaves off the trees, this one clings steadfastly to its branch.
 Some plants have leave and flowers for most of the year. Soon these will open to a riot of purple flowers.
 This is a good example of how some things survive. This rock fig has wormes it way into the rock and cracked it. Just thinking about it now, I should have collected it as it would make a beautiful bonsai dont you think?
 There are many species of Acacia thorn in SA and some trees like this are covered in them. Yet, many animals like giraffe and Impala eat the leaves and I wonder that their shin must be tough enough to withstand the picks they must get from the thorns.
 The last of the wild flowers before they die off, all of them forming seeds.
 A Swamp Bluet still found in the cooler days.
 Looking for a place to spend the winter? Time to find a sheltered spot.

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