Sunday, September 11, 2011

Walk 7/31 Part 2

Nature can be so astounding at times!!
 This weed is now covered with very tiny seeds and is so pretty and fine in design.
 A Crane fly with a delicate pattern on its wings.
 A White Pearl Moth (Palpita unionalis)
 It is so tiny it can almost hide behind a blade of grass.
 I never realized until now that the Impala Lily (pictured below), has or gets seed pods. This plant is very easy to grow as you can break off a piece, stick it in the ground and it will shoot out.
 This is normally a small shrub not more than a couple of feet in height but this specimen must be very old as it is about 5 feet in. They are extremely slow growers too but what a delight to have in a garden.

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