Sunday, October 23, 2011

Southern Tree Agama (Acanthocercus atricollis)

It is very large, exceeding 35cm (13 inches) in length.

It is a robust lizard with a large head. Breeding males have bright blue heads and front limbs, with yellow and orange colouration on the back. The tail tip is often blue.

Females lay 5-14 eggs in soft soil. When they hatch three months later, the young are 7-8cm long.

Females are various shades of grey, with light green, orange and yellow markings on the back and bars on the tail.

In South Africa this agama occurs in the southern and in residential areas, it also utilizes perimeter walls where, during the breeding season, colourful males can be seen bobbing their heads to attract the females.

They spend most of their time on the trunks of trees, only coming down when they need to cross to another tree or to feed on flying ants and termites.

They also feed on grasshoppers, beetles and caterpillars. Breeding males will gape and bite readily if caught but are not dangerous to humans.
 Information from Johan Marais books on reptiles.
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