Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tornado damage?

Tornado damage?? Unheard of!!
In all my years I have never heard of tornadoes in South Africa and now, within the space of a month, we have had two!! What is happening with this world of ours??

Even worse, is actually experiencing one and although this was small in comparison to what I have seen in pictures going through Tornado Alley in the USA, it sure caused a lot of damage and blew part of my house away!!

An extra room has been added to the house where I stay and it is made of wood. This morning we fount the missing part of the roof 300m (300 yards) away. It had flown over my car port thank goodness and not damaged my car, had cleared the trees and was laying in a huddled mess.

Needless to say, the inside of my house was a mess and I have spent 5 hours cleaning. To make matters worse, I am getting a guest today!! Could this not have happened last weekend or the next one!!

I must say that I am pleased for the rain though as it is two months overdue and the animals are dying. Luckily someone came over and helped me clear my things out of that room before the rain started so I have no personal damage!! What an experience!!

1 comment:

  1. That was really terrible, but you're still quite lucky because only the roof got damaged. You can just imagine the misery you have to go through when your car and other parts of your house had been damaged too. Well, if your area gets hit by a tornado once again, I think it will be better if you rebuilt your home with stronger materials. From the looks of it, your extra room could be ripped out easily by strong winds.

    Joanne Barragan
