Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Walk 7/31 - Part 5

Once again photographs are being loaded into Blogger any way the program feels like doing it and it is SO annoying!! Why don't the leave programs which work the way they are so we do not have to struggle like this?? I will never understand the minds of some people. There is not even a way to correct it. I think the problem with the programmers is that they do not use the end product themselves else they would fix the problem VERY soon!!
 Two pretty weeds still blooming in winter.
 As the days start to warm up a very young and small Chequered Ladybird which has not yet got its dots. Its scientific name is Haemonia viginitiduomaculata and is ten times longer than the ladybird!!
 The egg sack of some kind of moth - about 1" in length just hanging in the sunshine waiting for summer to come along.
 Snouted Harvester Termites hard at work. They are small and easily recognized by the pear-shaped head and ending in a long snout.
 They are grass-feeding and mostly come out at night. Their mound are fairly flat and small with a hard outer shell. If attacked, the soldiers squirt a sticky fluid from the head to repel predators.
 Now dont ask me what was going on with this spider. I found it wrapped in one of my blakets but it sure does look like it has been flattened in some way. Did I sleep or sit on it I wonder? :)

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