Saturday, October 15, 2011

Walk 7/31 - Part 6

It is getting late but with such a beautiful day, I am reluctant to go indoors.
 At a drinking trough for the animals, the bees are lining up to get a drink of water. There is an old beehive amongst the bushes which someone put there years ago and if anyone was brave enough, it is full of wonderful honey just waiting to be collected.
For interesting facts about bees, click on these links: Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4
 The new from the old. This pretty plant makes a lovely fan-shape with its leaves as it gets bigger. I always wonder why people do not cultivate these for their gardens. We seem to have more imported plants and yet have such a large variety of indiginous ones which are beautiful.
 The sun starts to set and the cold creeps in. Time to head indoors for some soup and to call it a day........

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