Monday, November 28, 2011

Skulls and tracks

Many times while walking in the bush, I come across skulls of animals which have died. This one is rather small and I think it may belong to a duiker (a small buck)
 A Blue Wildebeest skull which has been nicely cleaned by the ants and other insects.
 Now how would you like to wake up in the morning and see tracks like this outside your door?? I found these one morning after it had rained and belongs to one of the nocturnal (night) snakes, probably a adder of some kind.
 This one really had me puzzled!! It is almost as large as my open hand and as we do not have lions walking around there, I could not think what it could be. Also the second toe is larger.

Update: getting an e-mail from a good friend of mine set me thinking about this track and I realized that I had the clue all the time!! The long toe!! It is an Ostrich track!! :) Thanks Andrea!!

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