Friday, June 1, 2012

Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii)

The male has a distinctive white chevron between his eyes, and up to seven white verticle stripes on each side of his body, while the female has about nine.

These stripes are very noticeable on the younger animals, but they grow lighter or disappear as they grow older.
 Very often nyala are confused with kudu and bush buck, although the kudu is much larger when fully grown and the bushbuck only slightly bigger than the nyala.

They make a barking-like sound when alarmed.
 When they give birth, the female will hide her young for anything up to three weeks in order to allow it to grow strong so that it can better protect itself from predators.

Like most other antelope species, only the males have horns. They are lyre- shaped and the longest horns that have been recorded were 83,5 centimetres.
Their gestation period is about seven months after which a single calf is born.

They are usually found in small herds of two to four, but in certain areas, due to food supplies and water, larger herds can be observed.

Their favourite habitat is riverine areas with a lot of thickets for them to hide in.

They will drink freely when water is available, but are not dependant upon it.

Nyala are very shy creatures and are seldom seen close up.

In a family group, a female will be their leader as the males mostly form herds on their own until the rutting season.
Info: Unique Facts about Wildlife in South Africa (Joan Young)